开源富文本编辑器 wangEditor 作者,慕课网 金牌讲师,博客 流量过百万。最近正在致力于 Node 全栈 AIGC 知识库项目 划水AI 。
- 线上项目:Node 全栈 AIGC 知识库项目 划水AI:富文本编辑器,多人协同编辑器,AI 写作,AI 处理文本
- 开源项目:开源富文本编辑器 wangEditor , GitHub repo 17k+ stars
- 课程
- 博客
Hi there, my name is WangFupeng (linkedin). I am a senior front-end developer, PMP, once I worked in Baidu (Chinese Google) and Didi (Chinese Uber), now I'm a freelancer.
I'm the author of an opensource rich text editor wangEditor which is famous in the Chinese front-end community. GitHub repo got more 17k+ stars.
I'm an experienced teacher on imooc.com (a famous Chinese tech teaching website), and I made many front-end tutorials involving JS React Vue Nodejs etc. and I'm known by many Chinese front-end developers by the name "Teacher Shuangyue".
I have written many tech blogs on jujin.com (a Chinese famous tech blog website), I have more than 8k followers, and my blogs have been viewd more than 1 million times.
Now I dedicate in my personal creative project HuaShuiAI, a Node.js full stack AIGC knowledge base plateform, like Notion.
Here are some of my works:
- Online Project: HuaShuiAI, a Node.js full stack AIGC knowledge base plateform, like Notion
- Open source Project: wangEditor, a rich text editor.
- Video tutorials
- Front-end interview questions: Basic + Frameworks + The bucket
- Learn Node.js : Basic + Dev a project
- Learn React : [Use React Next.js Nest.js to dev a low-code project]](https://coding.imooc.com/class/646.html)
- Blogs
Thank you~