Well my buddy, it's simple (but it means some hardwork), after you install the LazyLoad By Verlok and ModernizeImage, all you need to do is execute the script...
window.onload = function ()
var modernizeImageObj = new modernizeImage({debug: true});
Yeah, the debug attrib on exemple is only to demonstrate how it works, you don't need anything else. But do you remember that "hardwork"? I will show you where it is.
<img class="modernize-image" data-img-folder="/img" data-img-name="helloworld" data-img-format="jpg" data-has-webp="true">
The attribs say itself and i know, it's a lot of code, but with this you can change automatically the JPG/PNG image to WebP and save a lot of megabytes in your website (but just if the browser supports and, of course, the WebP file exists at the same folder).
But if you want to use in a background-image, you can use this code:
<span class="modernize-image" data-img-folder="/img" data-img-name="helloworld" data-img-format="jpg" data-has-webp="true" data-display-type="background">
When initialized ModernizeImage use some attribs by default, but you can change that! Below you have all attribs used by this script.
Attrib | Description | Type | Default | Markup Attrib Example |
dataBg |
This attrib references data-bg (background-image) option at LazyLoad By Verlok repository, i recommend you to use default. REMEMBER: The HTML attrib is setted automatically by ModernizeImage, don't insert in HTML Tag. | string | data-bg | data-bg="/img/helloword.webp" |
dataDisplayType |
Used only to use background-image. You need set "background" in value to use background-image with ModernizeImage. | string | data-display-type | data-display-type="background" |
dataHasWebP |
ModernizeImage use this attrib to confirm if WebP image exists in folder. Use TRUE if exists or FALSE if doesn't. | string | data-has-webp | data-has-webp="true" |
dataImgFolder |
Attrib responsable to get folder path, without slasg at end. | string | data-img-folder | data-img-folder="/img" |
dataImgFormat |
Attrib responsable to get image format, without dot at start. | string | data-img-format | data-img-format="jpg" |
dataImgName |
Attrib responsable to get image name. | string | data-img-format | data-img-format="jpg" |
dataLazyLoadIndentifier |
Name of Tag, Class or ID will ModernizeImage are used. | string | .modernize-image | |
dataSrc |
This attrib references data-src (src attrib at IMG tag) option at LazyLoad By Verlok repository, i recommend you to use default. REMEMBER: The HTML attrib is setted automatically by ModernizeImage, don't insert in HTML Tag. | string | data-src | data-src="/img/helloword.webp" |
debug |
Need confirm if are all fine? Set to TRUE to active Debug mode in ModernizeImage and LazyLoad By Verlok. | boolean | false |
/* pathinfo — Returns information about a file path */
$imageUrl = pathinfo('/image/folder/changethis.jpg');
<img id="php" class="modernize-image"
data-img-folder="/<?php echo $imageUrl['dirname']; ?>"
data-img-name="<?php echo $imageUrl['filename']; ?>"
data-img-format="<?php echo $imageUrl['extension']; ?>"
<?php echo 'data-has-webp="'.(file_exists($imageUrl['dirname'].'/'.$imageUrl['filename'].'.webp') ? 'true' : 'false').'"'; ?>>