All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
1.24.0 - 2022-10-14
- Updated OpenBadgeCredential due to new JFF requirements
1.23.5 - 2022-09-26
1.23.5 - 2022-09-26
- Added velocity email credential
1.23.4 - 2022-09-22
- Updated LegalPerson template to v2206
1.23.3 - 2022-09-22
- Updated LegalPerson template
1.23.2 - 2022-09-22
- Remove invalid contexts from Gaia-X credentials
- Update Gradle version
- Change logging type
- Update schema metadata about Gaia-X credentials
1.23.0 - 2022-09-22
Added new Gaia-X LegalPerson
Added new Gaia-X ParticipantCredential
Added new Gaia-X ServiceOfferingCredential
Removed legacy LegalPerson
Update VCConversionTest to new JWT library version
Updated LegalPerson credential type
Added explicit blacklisting feature to SchemaValidationTest
Updated LegalPerson testing schemas
Updated ServiceOffering testing schemas
Registered new Gaia-X credential types in VcTypeRegistry
Updated vcJsonFromJwt / fromString functions from VerifiableCredential to correspond to work with new JWT & JSON libraries
Add debug logging in test mode
Fix EuropeanBankIdentity schema URL
Update serialized bank identity credential
Updated nimbus-jose-jwt from 9.22 to 9.24.4
Updated kotlinx-serialization-json from 1.3.2 to 1.4.0
Updated jsonschema-generator from 4.24.2 to 4.26.0
Updated json-schema-validator from 1.0.69 to 1.0.72
Updated json-kotlin-schema from 0.34 to 0.36
Updated Kotlin and serialization plugin versions from 1.6.21 to 1.7.10
Updated slf4j-simple from 1.7.36 to 2.0.0
Updated kotest from 5.3.0 to 5.4.2
Updated kotlin-reflect and kotlin-stdlib from 1.6.21 to 1.7.10
1.22.0 - 2022-06-20
- Added Gaia-X LegalPerson Credential
- Updated ParticipantCredential and added "hash"
1.21.0 - 2022-06-15
- Instructions how to add VC templates including link to https://vc-creator.walt.id/
1.20.0 - 2022-06-13
- Added Open Badge 3.0 credential #51
1.19.0 - 2022-05-19
- Added Verifiable Mandate #49
1.18.1 - 2022-05-08
- Bump dependencies
1.18.0 - 2022-03-24
1.8.0 - 2022-03-22
1.17.0 - 2022-03-17
- Updated Gaia-X Participant Credential according to #43
1.16.0 - 2022-03-12
- Added missing fields to Europass Credential #41
1.15.0 - 2022-02-16
- Add missing fields to europass learning specification #40
1.4.1 - 2022-02-03
1.14.0 - 2022-02-03
- Europass update #35 thanks to @ohylli
- Support of recursive references in JSON schema validation by @atuffreau-bcd #36
1.13.0 - 2022-01-31
1.12.0 - 2022-01-27
- #33
- Updated Eurpass and ParticipantCredential
1.11.1 - 2022-01-24
- Remove dummy properties from gaiax kyc credential
1.11.0 - 2022-01-24
- Use github links for credential schema ids, where the actual schema id is not yet known
1.10.0 - 2022-01-20
- Renamed EuropeanBankCredential to EuropeanBankIdentity
- Pretty VC encoding by: encodePretty()
1.9.0 - 2022-01-19
- Added EuropeanBankCredential
1.8.0 - 2022-01-13
- Moved Gaiax credentails to a dedicated folder
- Following Gaiax credentials were added (data-models not finalized)
- DataConsortium
- DataSelfDescription
- Iso27001Credential
- KybCredential
- KybMonoCredential
- KycCredential
- ParticipantCredential
1.7.1 - 2022-01-05
- fix VC challenge property
1.7.0 - 2022-01-03
- Refactoring of VerifiableCredential data model
- removal of redundant helper and utility objects (VcLibManager, VcUtils, Helpers and Defaults)
1.6.3 - 2021-12-28
- Added ProofOfResidence credential
1.6.2 - 2021-12-03
- Fixed Json-schema verification for VerifiablePresentations
- Added VerifiableVaccinationCertificate
- Addded GaiaxServiceOffering
1.6.1 - 2021-11-30
- Added GaiaxSelfDescription credential
1.6.0 - 2021-11-24
- Introduced 'Required' annotation for schema generation
- Added FORBIDDEN_ADDITIONAL_PROPERTIES_BY_DEFAULT for all generated json schemas
- Added schema-validation function to SchemaService
- Updated template of VerifiableDiploma & University Degree
- Added VcUtils (previously in SSI Kit)
1.5.4 - 2021-11-20
- Added eidasLegalIdentifier to VerifiableDiploma
1.5.3 - 2021-11-07
- Added DNSpublicKey to GaiaxCredential
1.5.2 - 2021-11-06
- Removed proofs from templates
1.5.1 - 2021-11-06
- Added GaiaxCredential
- Added credentialStatus (CredentialStatusList2020) to GaiaxCredential
1.5.0 - 2021-11-02
- Fix/ebsi jwt to credential
- Fix/get verifiable credential string
1.4.9 - 2021-09-25
- As issuanceDate and expirationDate, validFrom may now have also a non serialized null value according EBSI context.
[1.4.8] - 2021-09-24
- Updated VP data model according to EBSI spec
- expose optional id field on VerifiableCredential abstract interface
1.4.7 - 2021-09-13
- Fix JWT claim named "vp" for verifiable presentation according to EU spec
1.4.6 - 2021-09-09
- JWT-aware credential parsing
- preserve original credential JSON body and JWT (for JWT credentials)
- support parsing verifiable presentations with nested VCs in JSON-LD or JWT format
1.4.5 - 2021-09-01
- Changed default data for Verifiable ID, Verifiable Diploma and Europass credential templates
1.4.4 - 2021-08-26
1.4.4 - 2021-08-26
- Added credential template for Verifiable Diplomas
- Updated Europass & Verifiable ID data model in aligned with the EBSI Schemas
- Improved Schema Generator
1.4.3 - 2021-08-19
- Added VerifiableID model
1.4.2 - 2021-08-18
1.4.1 - 2021-08-16
1.4.0 - 2021-08-14
- Make TemplateManager usable with template ids
VcTemplateManager.loadTemplate("Europass") VcTemplateManager.loadTemplate(listOf("VerifiableCredential, VerifiableAttestation, Europass"))
- Added template id listing
- Added toMap method toMap() for VCs
1.3.0 - 2021-07-28
- reworked VC registration to allow for VC metadata
- moved TemplateManager VC-Lib (see id.walt.vclib.templates.VcTemplateManager)
1.2.0 - 2021-07-28
- All credential now have a common proof
- further testing
1.1.0 - 2021-07-28
- All credential attributes can now be changed dynamically without recreating the credential instance
1.0.0 - 2021-07-28
- Initial release