./mvnw spring-boot:run
./mvnw test
Export to json call: http://localhost:8080/export
Export to xml call: http://localhost:8080/export/xml
Both the .xml and .json files are stored in the output
Jira issues are persisted in chunks to a FileOutputStream with the SequenceWriter. Each chunk is created from 3 batches in parallel, the number of Issues in a batch are determined by the maxResults parameter in the rest call.
The Jira issues batch rest call is configured from the application.properties xml.
The export to xml with Jackson need to be patched a bit.
- Some keys need to be in cdata because contain illegal characters for an .xml file, e.g. html. The POJOs representing those keys are patched with mixins through the ObjectMapper.
- Xml version, encoding and root tags are added directly to the file output stream.
- Some Issue key values, like description and comment's text, contain fragments wrapped in cdata + illegal .xml chars. Add a serializer which removes all cdata in a String field and wrap the whole string in a cdata. We must avoid nesting of cdata.
- Issue description and comment text fields contain chars not supported by a xml text. Replace them with empty strings in the output xml.
- Exported files validation
Mac os xml validator:
brew install libxml2
xmllint issues.xml
Mac os json validator:
brew install jsonlint
jsonlint issues.json
- In addition to the provided jql query, tested also with jql :=
issuetype = Bug
which has more than 1m issues and maxResults := 1000 for the rest call batch.
jpi.issues.jql=issuetype in (Bug, Documentation, Enhancement) and updated > startOfWeek()
1.5K Issues ~ 5sec
jpi.issues.jql=issuetype = Bug
1.5M Issues ~ 4min