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This Go library implements a number of Subjective Logic operators. Subjective Logic is a type of probabilistic logic that uses subjective opinions instead of probabilities. To learn more about Subjective Logic please refer to "Subjective Logic, A Formalism for Reasoning under Uncertainty" book by Audun Jøsang.

Table of Contents



Subjective Logic is a type of probabilistic logic that uses subjective opinions instead of probabilities. A binomial opinion about the truth of the proposition $x$ is $\omega_x = (b_x, d_x, u_x, a_x)$, where:

  • $b_x$: belief mass in support of the proposition $x$ being true.
  • $d_x$: disbelief mass in support of the proposition $x$ being false.
  • $u_x$: uncertainty mass representing lack of evidence.
  • $a_x$: base rate i.e. the prior probability of $x$ being true without any evidence.
type Opinion struct {
	belief      float64
	disbelief   float64
	uncertainty float64
	baseRate    float64

The following methods have been implemented for the opinion:

NewOpinion() method

The NewOpinion() method takes in four float64 values and outputs an Opinion as well as an Error. In case a valid Opinion can be formed, it will be returned and the error will be nil. If the input values violate the requirements for a valid Opinion, the Opinion would be initialized with zeroes and an error will be returned. For a valid Opinion, each input value $i$ must fulfill $0 \leq i \leq 1$ and the following statement $b + d + u = 1$ must hold.

opinion, err := subjectivelogic.NewOpinion(.5, .25, .25, .5)

if err != nil {
} else {
	belief := opinion.GetBelief()
	disbelief := opinion.GetDisbelief()
	uncertainty := opinion.GetUncertainty()
	baseRate := opinion.GetBaseRate()
	println(fmt.Sprintf("Opinion: %.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f", belief, disbelief, uncertainty, baseRate))

This code generates the following output:

Opinion: 0.50, 0.25, 0.25, 0.50


This implements the Addition Operator as defined in Subjective Logic:

$$\omega_{(x\cup y)} = \begin{cases} b_{x\cup y} = b_x + b_y \\\ d_{x\cup y} = \frac{a_x(d_x - b_y) + a_y(d_y - b_x)}{a_x+a_y} \\\ u_{x\cup y} = \frac{a_xu_x + a_yu_y}{a_x+a_y} \\\ a_{x\cup y} = 0 \end{cases}$$

API Reference

func Addition(opinion1 *Opinion, opinion2 *Opinion) (Opinion, error)

Problematic Inputs

Inputs $\omega_{x} = (b_x, d_x, u_x, a_x)$ and $\omega_{y} = (b_y, d_y, u_y, a_y)$ are problematic and will result in an error, if:

$$\begin{split} b_x + b_y &> 1 \text{, or} \\\ a_x + a_y &> 1 \end{split}$$

Moreover, the Addition Operator will attempt to divide through $0$, if $a_x = a_y = 0$, hence this is not allowed and an error will be returned.


func main() {

	opinion1, _ := subjectivelogic.NewOpinion(0.2, 0.8, 0, 0.5)
	opinion2, _ := subjectivelogic.NewOpinion(0.4, 0, 0.6, 0.5) 
	opinion3, _ := subjectivelogic.NewOpinion(1, 0, 0, 0.5) 
	out1, err1 := subjectivelogic.Addition(&opinion1, &opinion2) //Case 1 
	out2, err2 := subjectivelogic.Addition(&opinion1, &opinion3) //Case 2 
	fmt.Println("Case 1:", "Opinion = ", out1.ToString(), "Error:", err1) 
	fmt.Println("Case 2:", "Opinion = ", out2.ToString(), "Error:", err2) 


The above code snippet shows the usage of the Addition operator. Case 1 uses two Opinions that are not problematic for the Addition operator, resulting in a valid output Opinion and no error:

Case 1: Opinion =  0.6000000000000001, 0.1, 0.3, 1 Error: <nil>

Case 2 uses two valid Opinions that are problematic for the Addition operator as the sum of their belief masses exceeds $1$. This results in the Addition operator returning a zeroed Opinion and an error.

Case 2: Opinion =  0, 0, 0, 0 Error: Addition: Check the validity of your input values


This implements the Complement Operator as defined in Subjective Logic:

$$\omega_{\overline{x}} : \begin{cases} b_{\overline{x}} = d_x \\\ d_{\overline{x}} = b_x \\\ u_{\overline{x}} = u_x \\\ a_{\overline{x}} = 1 - a_x \end{cases}$$

API Reference

func Complement(opinion *Opinion) (Opinion, error)

Problematic Inputs

There are no problematic inputs for this operator, as long as they are valid opinions.


func main() {

	opinion, _ := subjectivelogic.NewOpinion(0.2, 0.8, 0, 0.5) 
	out, err := subjectivelogic.Complement(&opinion) 

	if err != nil { 
		fmt.Println("Error:", err) 
	} else { 
		fmt.Println("Output:", out, err) 

The code snippet above shows the usage of the Complement operator. This specific example will result in the following output:

Output: {0.8 0.2 0 0.5} <nil>

Binomial Multiplication

This implements the Binomial Multiplication Operator as defined in Subjective Logic:

$$\omega_{x \wedge y} : \begin{cases} b_{x \wedge y} = b_x b_y + \frac{(1-a_x) a_y b_x u_y + a_x (1-a_y) b_y u_x}{1 - a_x a_y} \\\ d_{x \wedge y} = d_x + d_y - d_x d_y \\\ u_{x \wedge y} = u_x u_y + \frac{(1-a_y) b_x u_y + (1-a_x) u_x b_y}{1 - a_x a_y} \\\ a_{x \wedge y} = a_x a_y \end{cases}$$

API Reference

func Multiplication(opinion1 *Opinion, opinion2 *Opinion) (Opinion, error)

Problematic Inputs

The Binomial Multiplication Operator will try to divide through $0$, if $a_x = a_y = 1$, hence this is not allowed and an error is returned.


func main() {

	opinion1, _ := subjectivelogic.NewOpinion(0.2, 0.8, 0, 0.5)
	opinion2, _ := subjectivelogic.NewOpinion(0.4, 0, 0.6, 0.5) 

	out, err := subjectivelogic.Multiplication(&opinion1, &opinion2)

	if err != nil { 
		fmt.PrintlnImplementation("Error:", err)
	} else {
		fmt.Println("Output:", out, err) 

The code snippet above shows the usage of the Multiplication operator. This specific example will result in the following output:

Output: {0.12000000000000002 0.8 0.08 0.25} <nil>

Binomial Comultiplication

This implements the Comultiplication Operator as defined in Subjective Logic:

$$\omega_{x \wedge y} : \begin{cases} b_{x \wedge y} = b_x + b_y - b_x b_y \\\ d_{x \wedge y} = d_x d_y + \frac{a_x (1-a_y) d_x u_y + (1-a_x) a_y u_x d_y}{a_x + a_y - a_x a_y} \\\ u_{x \wedge y} = u_x u_y + \frac{a_y d_x u_y + a_x u_x d_y}{a_x + a_y - a_x a_y} \\\ a_{x \wedge y} = a_x + a_y - a_x a_y \end{cases}$$

API Reference

func Comultiplication(opinion1 *Opinion, opinion2 *Opinion) (Opinion, error)

Problematic Inputs

The Binomial Comultiplication Operator will try to divide through $0$, if $a_x = a_y = 0$, hence this is not allowed and an error will be returned.


func main() {

	opinion1, _ := subjectivelogic.NewOpinion(0.2, 0.8, 0, 0.5)
	opinion2, _ := subjectivelogic.NewOpinion(0.4, 0, 0.6, 0.5)

	out, err := subjectivelogic.Comultiplication(&opinion1, &opinion2)

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error:", err)
	} else {
		fmt.Println("Output:", out, err)

The code snippet above shows the usage of the Comultiplication operator. This specific example will result in the following output:

Output: {0.52 0.16 0.32 0.75} <nil>

Belief Constraint Fusion

==This implements the Belief Constraint Fusion Operator as defined in Subjective Logic:==


$$\omega_{X}^{(A\&B)} : \begin{cases} b_{X}^{(A\&B)} = \frac{b_{X}^{A}u_{X}^{B} + b_{X}^{B}u_{X}^{A} + b_{X}^{A}b_{X}^{B}}{1 - Con} \\\ d_{X}^{(A\&B)} = \frac{d_{X}^{A}u_{X}^{B} + d_{X}^{B}u_{X}^{A} + d_{X}^{A}d_{X}^{B}}{1 - Con} \\\ u_{X}^{(A\&B)} = \frac{u_{X}^{A}u_{X}^{B}}{1-Con} \\\ a_{X}^{(A\&B)} = \frac{a_{X}^{A}(1-u_{X}^{A})+a_{X}^{B}(1-u_{X}^{B})}{2-u_{X}^{A}-u_{X}^{B}} & \text{for} \hspace{2mm} u_{X}^{A} + u_{X}^{B} < 2 \\\ a_{X}^{(A\&B)} = \frac{a_{X}^{A}+a_{X}^{B}}{2} & \text{for} \hspace{2mm}u_{X}^{A} = u_{X}^{B} = 1 \end{cases}$$ $$Con = b_{X}^{A}d_{X}^{B} + d_{X}^{A}b_{X}^{B}$$

API Reference

func ConstraintFusion(opinion1 *Opinion, opinion2 *Opinion) (Opinion, error)

Problematic Inputs

The Belief Constraint Fusion Operator will try to divide through $0$, if the conflict variable $Con = 1$, and an error will be returned.


func main() {

	opinion1, _ := subjectivelogic.NewOpinion(0.2, 0.8, 0, 0.5) 
	opinion2, _ := subjectivelogic.NewOpinion(0.4, 0, 0.6, 0.5)

	out, err := subjectivelogic.ConstraintFusion(&opinion1, &opinion2)

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error:", err)
	} else {
		fmt.Println("Output:", out, err)

The code snippet above shows the usage of the Belief Constraint operator. This specific example will result in the following output:

Output: {0.2941176470588236 0.7058823529411764 0 0.5} <nil>

Cumulative Fusion

This implements the Aleatory Cumulative Fusion Operator as defined in Subjective Logic:

Case I: For $u_{X}^{A} \neq 0 \vee u_{X}^{B} \neq 0$:

$$\omega_{X}^{(A\diamond B)} : \begin{cases} b_{X}^{(A\diamond B)}(x) = \frac{b_{X}^{A}(x)u_{X}^{B} + b_{X}^{B}(x)u_{X}^{A}}{u_{X}^{A} + u_{X}^{B} - u_{X}^{A} u_{X}^{B}} \\\ u_{X}^{(A\diamond B)} = \frac{u_{X}^{A}u_{X}^{B}}{u_{X}^{A} + u_{X}^{B} - u_{X}^{A} u_{X}^{B}} \\\ a_{X}^{(A\diamond B)}(x) = \frac{a_{X}^{A}(x)u_{X}^{B} + a_{X}^{B}(x)u_{X}^{A} - (a_{X}^{A}(x) + a_{X}^{B}(x))u_{X}^{B}u_{X}^{A}}{u_{X}^{A} + u_{X}^{B} - 2 u_{X}^{A} u_{X}^{B}} & \text{if} \hspace{2mm} u_{X}^{A} \neq 1 \vee u_{X}^{B} \neq 1 \\\ a_{X}^{(A\diamond B)}(x) = \frac{a_{X}^{A}(x)+a_{X}^{B}(x)}{2} & \text{if} \hspace{2mm}u_{X}^{A} = u_{X}^{B} = 1 \end{cases}$$

Case II: For $u_{X}^{A} = u_{X}^{B} = 0$:

$$\omega_{X}^{(A\diamond B)} : \begin{cases} b_{X}^{(A\diamond B)}(x) = \gamma_{X}^{A} b_{X}^{A}(x) + \gamma_{X}^{B} b_{X}^{B}(x) \\\ u_{X}^{(A\diamond B)} = 0 \\\ a_{X}^{(A\diamond B)}(x) = \gamma_{X}^{A} a_{X}^{A}(x) + \gamma_{X}^{B} a_{X}^{B}(x) \end{cases}$$ $$\text{where} \hspace{2mm} \gamma_{X}^{A} = \gamma_{X}^{B} = 0.5$$

API Reference

func CumulativeFusion(opinion1 *Opinion, opinion2 *Opinion) (Opinion, error)

Problematic Inputs

There are no problematic inputs for this operator, as long as they are valid opinions.


func main() {

	opinion1, _ := subjectivelogic.NewOpinion(0.2, 0.8, 0, 0.5) 
	opinion2, _ := subjectivelogic.NewOpinion(0.4, 0, 0.6, 0.5)

	out, err := subjectivelogic.CumulativeFusion(&opinion1, &opinion2)

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error:", err)
	} else {
		fmt.Println("Output:", out, err)

The code snippet above shows the usage of the Cumulative fusion operator. This specific example will result in the following output:

Output: {0.2 0.8 0 0.5} <nil>

Averaging Fusion

This implements the Averaging Fusion Operator as defined in Subjective Logic:

Case I: For $u_{X}^{A} \neq 0 \vee u_{X}^{B} \neq 0$:

$$\omega_{X}^{(A\underline{\diamond} B)} : \begin{cases} b_{X}^{(A\underline{\diamond} B)}(x) = \frac{b_{X}^{A}(x)u_{X}^{B} + b_{X}^{B}(x)u_{X}^{A}}{u_{X}^{A} + u_{X}^{B}} \\\ u_{X}^{(A\underline{\diamond} B)} = \frac{2 u_{X}^{A}u_{X}^{B}}{u_{X}^{A} + u_{X}^{B}} \\\ a_{X}^{(A\underline{\diamond} B)}(x) = \frac{a_{X}^{A}(x)+a_{X}^{B}(x)}{2} \end{cases}$$

Case II: For $u_{X}^{A} = u_{X}^{B} = 0$:

$$\omega_{X}^{(A\underline{\diamond} B)} : \begin{cases} b_{X}^{(A\underline{\diamond} B)}(x) = \gamma_{X}^{A} b_{X}^{A}(x) + \gamma_{X}^{B} b_{X}^{B}(x) \\\ u_{X}^{(A\underline{\diamond} B)} = 0 \\\ a_{X}^{(A\underline{\diamond} B)}(x) = \gamma_{X}^{A} a_{X}^{A}(x) + \gamma_{X}^{B} a_{X}^{B}(x) \end{cases}$$ $$\text{where} \hspace{2mm} \gamma_{X}^{A} = \gamma_{X}^{B} = 0.5$$

API Reference

func AveragingFusion(opinion1 *Opinion, opinion2 *Opinion) (Opinion, error)

Problematic Inputs

There are no problematic inputs for this operator, as long as they are valid opinions.


func main() {

	opinion1, _ := subjectivelogic.NewOpinion(0.2, 0.8, 0, 0.5) 
	opinion2, _ := subjectivelogic.NewOpinion(0.4, 0, 0.6, 0.5)

	out, err := subjectivelogic.AveragingFusion(&opinion1, &opinion2)

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error:", err)
	} else {
		fmt.Println("Output:", out, err)

The code snippet above shows the usage of the Averaging fusion operator. This specific example will result in the following output:

Output: {0.2 0.8 0 0.5} <nil>

Weighted Fusion

This implements the Weighted Fusion Operator as defined in Subjective Logic:

Case I: For $(u_{X}^{A} \neq 0 \vee u_{X}^{B} \neq 0) \wedge (u_{X}^{A} \neq 1 \vee u_{X}^{B} \neq 1)$:

$$\omega_{X}^{(A\diamond B)} : \begin{cases} b_{X}^{(A\diamond B)}(x) = \frac{b_{X}^{A}(x)(1-u_{X}^{A})u_{X}^{B} + b_{X}^{B}(x)(1-u_{X}^{B})u_{X}^{A}}{u_{X}^{A} + u_{X}^{B} - 2u_{X}^{A} u_{X}^{B}} \\\ u_{X}^{(A\diamond B)} = \frac{(2 - u_{X}^{A} - u_{X}^{B})u_{X}^{A}u_{X}^{B}}{u_{X}^{A} + u_{X}^{B} - 2u_{X}^{A} u_{X}^{B}} \\\ a_{X}^{(A\diamond B)}(x) = \frac{a_{X}^{A}(x)(1-u_{X}^{A}) + a_{X}^{B}(x)(1-u_{X}^{B})}{2 - u_{X}^{A} - u_{X}^{B}} \end{cases}$$

Case II: For $u_{X}^{A} = u_{X}^{B} = 0$:

$$\omega_{X}^{(A\diamond B)} : \begin{cases} b_{X}^{(A\diamond B)}(x) = \gamma_{X}^{A} b_{X}^{A}(x) + \gamma_{X}^{B} b_{X}^{B}(x) \\\ u_{X}^{(A\diamond B)} = 0 \\\ a_{X}^{(A\diamond B)}(x) = \gamma_{X}^{A} a_{X}^{A}(x) + \gamma_{X}^{B} a_{X}^{B}(x) \end{cases}$$ $$\text{where} \hspace{2mm} \gamma_{X}^{A} = \gamma_{X}^{B} = 0.5$$

Case III: $u_{X}^{A} = u_{X}^{B} = 1$:

$$\omega_{X}^{(A\diamond B)} : \begin{cases} b_{X}^{(A\diamond B)}(x) = 0 \\\ u_{X}^{(A\diamond B)} = 1 \\\ a_{X}^{(A\diamond B)}(x) = \frac{a_{X}^{A}(x)+a_{X}^{B}(x)}{2} \end{cases}$$

API Reference

func WeightedFusion(opinion1 *Opinion, opinion2 *Opinion) (Opinion, error)

Problematic Inputs

There are no problematic inputs for this operator, as long as they are valid opinions.


func main() {

	opinion1, _ := subjectivelogic.NewOpinion(0.2, 0.8, 0, 0.5) 
	opinion2, _ := subjectivelogic.NewOpinion(0.4, 0, 0.6, 0.5)

	out, err := subjectivelogic.WeightedFusion(&opinion1, &opinion2)

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error:", err)
	} else {
		fmt.Println("Output:", out, err)

The code snippet above shows the usage of the Weighted fusion operator. This specific example will result in the following output:

Output: {0.2 0.8 0 0.5} <nil>

Trust Discounting

This implements the Trust Discounting Operator as defined in Subjective Logic:

$$\omega_{X}^{[A;B]} : \begin{cases} \boldsymbol{b}_{X}^{[A;B]}(x) & = \boldsymbol{P}_B^{A}*\boldsymbol{b}_{X}^B(x) \\\ u_{X}^{[A;B]} & = 1 - \boldsymbol{P}_B^{A}*\sum_{x \in \mathscr{R}(\mathbb{X})}\boldsymbol{b}_{X}^B(x) \\\ \boldsymbol{a}_{X}^{[A;B]}(x) & = \boldsymbol{a}_{X}^B(x) \\\ \end{cases}$$

API Reference

func TrustDiscounting(opinion1 *Opinion, opinion2 *Opinion) (Opinion, error)

Problematic Inputs

There are no problematic inputs for this operator, as long as they are valid opinions.


func main() {

	opinion1, _ := subjectivelogic.NewOpinion(0.2, 0.8, 0, 0.5) 
	opinion2, _ := subjectivelogic.NewOpinion(0.4, 0, 0.6, 0.5)

	out, err := subjectivelogic.TrustDiscounting(&opinion1, &opinion2)

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error:", err)
	} else {
		fmt.Println("Output:", out, err)

The code snippet above shows the usage of the Trust discounting operator. This specific example will result in the following output:

Output: {0.08000000000000002 0 0.9199999999999999 0.5} <nil>

Trust Discounting for Multi-edge Path

This implements the Trust Discounting Operator for Multi-edge Paths as defined in Subjective Logic.

If $[A_1, ..., A_n]$ denotes the referral trust path and $[A_n, X]$ the functional trust, the Trust Discounting Operator for multi-edge paths is defined as:

$$\omega_{X}^{A_1} : \begin{cases} b_{X}^{A_1}(x) & = P_{A_n}^{A_1}*b_{X}^{A_n}(x) \\\ u_{X}^{A_1} & = 1 - P_{A_n}^{A_1}*\sum_{x \in X}b_{X}^{A_n}(x) \\\ a_{X}^{A_1}(x) & = a_{X}^{A_n}(x) \end{cases}$$


$$P_{A_n}^{A_1} = \prod_{i=1}^{n-1} P_{A_{i+1}}^{A_i}$$

API Reference


Problematic Inputs




Opposite-Belief Trust Discounting

This implements the Opposite-Belief Trust Discounting Operator as defined in Subjective Logic:

$$\omega_{X}^{[A;B]} : \begin{cases} b_X^{[A;B]} & = b^A_Bb^B_X + d^A_Bd^B_X \\\ d_X^{[A;B]} & = b^A_Bd^B_X + d^A_Bb^B_X \\\ u_X^{[A;B]} & = u^A_B + (b^A_B + d^A_B)u^B_X \\\ a_X^{[A;B]} & = a^B_X \\\ \end{cases}$$

API Reference

func TrustDiscountingOB(opinion1 *Opinion, opinion2 *Opinion) (Opinion, error)

Problematic Inputs

There are no problematic inputs for this operator, as long as they are valid opinions.


func main() {

	opinion1, _ := subjectivelogic.NewOpinion(0.2, 0.8, 0, 0.5) 
	opinion2, _ := subjectivelogic.NewOpinion(1, 0, 0, 0.5)

	out, err := subjectivelogic.TrustDiscountingOB(&opinion1, &opinion2)

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error:", err)
	} else {
		fmt.Println("Output:", out, err)

The code snippet above shows the usage of the Trust discounting operator. This specific example will result in the following output:

Output: {0.2 0.8 0 0.5} <nil>


Contributions are very welcome! Please let us know if you find an issue and have ideas for improvement. Alternately, open an issue or submit a pull request on GitHub.


This project is licensed under the Apache License, Verion 2.0 - see the LICENSE file for details.


In case of problems or issues, please open an issue on GitHub.


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