This module installs, configures, and manages a Kubernetes cluster built from loose components.
The main focus is towards the current stable versions of K8s (1.18.x+), but it should be able to handle both older and newer versions without issues.
Set k8s::server::etcd_servers to a list of servers or k8s::puppetdb_discovery to true
Setting up a server node (apiserver, controller-manager, scheduler):
class { 'k8s':
role => 'server',
control_plane_url => '',
# generate_ca => true, # Only set true temporarily to avoid overwriting the old secrets
# puppetdb_discovery => true, # Will use PuppetDB PQL queries to manage etcd and nodes
Setting up a client node (kubelet, kube-proxy):
class { 'k8s':
role => 'node',
control_plane_url => '',
For more in-detail examples see the examples.
All parameters are documented within the classes. Markdown documentation is available in the file, it also contains examples.