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Quickly set-up your local linting environment.

Includes | Install | Plugins


A basic linting set-up you can add to any (node) project. These are opionated default configuration files. Please tweak them to your liking, don't take them 'as is'.


  • EditorConfig: helps to maintain a consistent coding styles across various editors and IDEs.
  • ESLint: analyzes JavaScript to quickly find syntax problems (errors).
  • Stylelint: avoids errors and enforces conventions in your styles.
  • Prettier: opinionated code formatter (style).
  • VScode editor settings: common defaults for the VSCode text editor.


Most of these configurations work by installing a plugin for your text editor and then adding configuration files to your project. You can add these dotfiles to your existing project, put them in the root of your directory. Or install them globally on your machine by adding them to the root of your machine.


If you installed the plugins for your editor, it will show any linting warnings and errors trough the interface. You can also lint trough your cli using npm run scripts.

Lint every JavaScript file in your project using the cli

npm run lint:css

Lint every CSS file in your project using the cli

npm run lint:js

VSCode settings

The easiest way to install the VScode configuration is to open up the settings.json file from this repository and copy and paste the contents into your current settings.json from VScode.


You'll probably don't need the prettier plugin, we extend prettier through ESLint.


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Made with 🤍 by Danny de Vries and contributors.


MIT © Danny de Vries