At the time of this release we used voctomix successfully to record and stream the Sendezentrum on 32C3 and a whole bunch of Datengarten-Talks. Also the People from timvideos.us used it on linux.conf.au 2016, although they had some a/v-sync issues which we tried to work against in #46, for example).
Version 0.2 is now probably save to be used in production, although it still requires intensive testing in the particular setup with the particular sources and sinks you're planning to use. Special care needs to be taken to maintain a/v-sync through the complete pipeline.
Version 0.2 features a new Volume-Widget in the GUI (#28) which is now far more useful and a useful utility to source music for the pause-stream (#14).
For the next Release some more major problems need to be debugged, especially #33, #10, #9, and #58) but 0.3 will also have some new features like croppign of PiP-Images (#36) and a more human-friendly command-server (#59).