This repository contains the source LaTeX file for my resume & the compiled pdf of the most recent version of my resume.
After years of trying to typeset a decent resume in Word (and failing miserably), I finally decided to migrate my resume to LaTeX, both because it is vastly more powerful and flexible and also because it sounds way cooler if I tell people I have formatted my resume in LaTeX, rather than Word. See also this.
It was also a fun way to learn some LaTeX skills.
I decided to put the source file in version control so that I can track the changes to my resume over the years.
This article explains in a very good way why I decided to put my resume in version control, and why I decided to do it in LaTeX.
The non-LaTeX contents of the source file resume.tex
and the entire content of the pdf resume.pdf
are copyright (c) Vivitsu Maharaja. You do not have permission to use this content.
You are however, free to use the source file as a template to build your own resume.