Encapsulates the whole application with 2 search boxes and display functionality
Consists of Textbox with respective autocomplete options.
props for the component are as follows:
1. Source - recieves source data as array of data to be loading as autocomplete
2. hasCheckboxes - multiple selection of autocomplete data feature
3. name - to differentiate each search component, unique name
4. disabled - disable the component
5. placeholder - placeholder for the textbox
6. selectedTextOnClick - returns the selected text from the search box
7. selectedCheckedList - returns the list of multiple items selected if hasCheckBoxes = true
Component to display the flag
props for the component are as follows:
1. countryCode
2. countryName
3. style - flag styling flat or shine
4. size - size of the flag 16, 24, 32, 48, 64
Reference: Used the flag features of http://countryflags.io/#quick_start
The source code is published on GitHub. Demo Application is hosted in Heroku.