Welcome to my portfolio website repository! Visit vishrutjha.com to see it live. This modern, responsive portfolio showcases my projects, professional journey, and media appearances.
- Modern, responsive design with dark mode support
- Project showcase with detailed cards and links
- Professional journey timeline with interactive elements
- Media appearances and publications section
- LeetCode statistics integration
- Dynamic charting and visualizations
- Smooth animations and transitions using Framer Motion
- Type animations for dynamic text
- SEO optimized with automatic sitemap generation
- Performance analytics and insights
- Fully accessible UI components
- Framework: Next.js 15 with React 18.3
- Package Manager: Bun
- Styling: Tailwind CSS and Shadcn UI
- Language: TypeScript
- UI Components: Radix UI primitives
- Charts: Chart.js with react-chartjs-2
- Animations: Framer Motion and react-type-animation
- Icons: Lucide React and React Icons
- Code Quality: ESLint, Prettier, Husky, lint-staged
- Analytics: Vercel Analytics and Speed Insights
- Deployment: Vercel
# Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/vishrutkmr7/vishrutjha-portfolio.git
# Navigate to the directory
cd vishrutjha-portfolio
# Install dependencies
bun install
# Start the development server
bun dev
Visit http://localhost:3000
to see the website.
# Create a production build
bun run build
# Start the production server
bun start
The website is automatically deployed to Vercel on every push to the main branch.
This project is open source and available under the MIT License.
- Website: vishrutjha.com
- GitHub: @vishrutkmr7