This is a simple demo showcasing some of RH-SSO features/concepts such as: Realm, Client, Roles, Social Login, Themes, etc..
For additional details, please refer to Additional References section;
docker pull viniciusmartinez/slide-demo-app:1.0
docker pull viniciusmartinez/rhsso:1.0
- Clone the application:
git clone
- Build (docker build) RHSSO. Example:
cd rhsso
docker build -t rhsso:1.0 .
- Build (docker build) slide-demo-app. Example:
cd slides-app
docker build -t slide-demo-app:1.0 .
- Starting RHSSO and slide-demo-app
- Create RHSSO Realm
- Create RHSSO Client APP
- Create RHSSO Roles
- Create RHSSO User
- Enable SignUp
- Change Themes
- User Required Actions
- Social Login
- Two Factor with OTP
- End User Account Management
Open a terminal and start RHSSO:
- we're going to use "-P" to generate a random Port number for RHSSO. If you prefer, you can bind it to an alternative port of your choice
docker run -it -P viniciusmartinez/rhsso:1.0
Open a second terminal and start slide-demo-application:
- we're going to use "-P" to generate a random Port number for RHSSO. If you prefer, you can bind it to an alternative port of your choice
docker run -it -P viniciusmartinez/slide-demo-app:1.0
Open a third terminal and execute docker ps in order to fetch RHSSO and slide-demo-app port numbers. Example:
- take note of all ports used by RHSSO (32789, 32788) and slide-demo-app(32786,32785)
docker ps
16f6cd0d3e11 viniciusmartinez/rhsso:1.0 "/opt/eap/bin/opensh…" 25 seconds ago Up 24 seconds>8080/tcp,>8443/tcp,>8778/tcp upbeat_hermann
fe93676933d3 viniciusmartinez/slide-demo-app:1.0 "container-entrypoin…" 51 seconds ago Up 50 seconds>8080/tcp,>8443/tcp
Open a browser of choice and try to access RHSSO on the following address with admin/admin credentials: http://localhost:32789/auth
Open a new tab and try to access slide-demo-app on the following address: http://localhost:32786/demo.html
Return to the RHSSO browser tab and place the mouser on the left top corner, right above the MASTER. Click on the arrow button and select Add Realm;
Inform a NAME (e.g myrealm) and click on Create button;
- Click on Clients right bellow the Realm Settings at the left menu;
- Click on Create button on the right corner;
- Inform a Name (e.g: myclient);
- Inform the Root URL (e.g: http://localhost:32794);
- Click on Save button;
- Switch back to the slide-demo-app tab and click on Config button;
- Inform SSO Server URL (e.g: http://localhost:32792/auth)
- Inform SSO Realm (e.g: myrealm)
- Inform App Client ID (e.g: myclient)
- Click on Save and afterward Close button;
- If everything is successfully configured, a green Configurado! button will be displayed
- Click on Roles right bellow the Client Templates at the left menu;
- Click on Add Role button;
- Inform a Role Name (e.g: realm-role) and afterward Save button;
- Click on Clients right bellow the Realm Settings at the left menu;
- Select myclient and Roles afterward;
- Click on Add Role button;
- Inform a Role Name (e.g: client-role) and afterward Save button;
- Click on Roles again;
- Select Default Roles
- Select realm-role and click on Add Selected
- Select myclient and repeat the same procedure, adding client-role
Click on Users right bellow the Groups at the left menu;
Click on Add User button;
Inform a Username and click on Save button;
Got to Credentials tab and inform a new password;
Finally click on Reset Password;
- now you can try to login on slide-demo-app
- Click Realm Settings and select Login tab;
- Enable User Registration
- Click on Save
- Click Realm Settings and select Themes tab;
- Select a different theme from Login Theme dropdown list;
- Click on Save
- Click on Users right bellow the Groups at the left menu;
- Select an user;
- Select a few actions on Required User Actions menu;
- Click on Save
- Click on Identity Providers right bellow the Roles at the left menu;
- Select Github user;
- Open a new tab and access your Github account. Select Settings -> Developer Settings and finally click on: New Oauth App
- Inform an Application name and a Homepage URL and finally copy the Redirect URI from RHSSO and paste it on CallBack URL
- Click on Register Application
- Copy both Client ID and Client Secret from Github and paste them on RHSSO
- Click on Save
- Click on Authentication right bellow the User Federation at the left menu;
- Change the default OTP FORM from OPTIONAL to REQUIRED;
- Logout from slide-demo-app and try to log back;
- Open a new browser tab with the following url: http://localhost:32792/auth/realms/myrealm/account
- Navigate through the options and update your profile if desired;