Company Website and Mobile App
venv folder is exempted in the git repository because of its size to set up the venv folder
for python3 users
python -m venv <vituarl environment name : recommended venv, env>
to activate
for unix users
source <virtual environment name>/bin/activate or
. venv/bin/activate
for windows users
<virtual environment name>\Scripts\activate
to install the modules
pip install -r requirements.txt
to run the app in development environment use
flask run or python
before running the app ensure you set email configurations as environment variables
export MAIL_USERNAME=<your mail username>
export MAIL_PASSWORD=<Your mail password>
You can also set your your configurations as defaults in the virtual environment
initalize the database migration by using the flask migrations module
flask db init
flask db migrate -m "first migrations " && flask db upgrade
For more information visit Victor Oluoch