pnpm i --save @viamrobotics/svelte-sdk @viamrobotics/sdk @tanstack/svelte-query
The Viam Svelte SDK provides a reactive layer over @viamrobotics/sdk
To get started, Include the ViamProvider
component. Any child component will have access to the SDK hooks.
A map of PartID
s to DialConf
s must also be provided to connect to your machine(s).
<script lang="ts">
import { ViamProvider } from '@viamrobotics/svelte-sdk';
import type { DialConf } from '@viamrobotics/sdk';
let { children } = $props();
const dialConfigs: Record<string, DialConf> = {
'my-part-id': {
host: 'my-host',
credentials: {
type: 'api-key',
authEntity: 'my-api-key-id',
payload: 'my-api-key-value',
signalingAddress: '',
disableSessions: false,
<ViamProvider {dialConfigs}>
{@render children()}
In any child component, you can access the RobotClient
and MachineConnectionStatus
of any connected machine with the useRobotClient
and useConnectionStatus
<script lang="ts">
import { useConnectionStatus, useRobotClient } from '@viamrobotics/svelte-sdk';
interface Props {
partID: string;
let { partID }: Props = $props();
const status = useConnectionStatus(() => partID);
const client = useRobotClient(() => partID);
To execute queries / mutations directly on the robot client, use the following convenience hooks.
<script lang="ts">
import {
} from '@viamrobotics/svelte-sdk';
let { partID } = $props();
const client = useRobotClient(() => partID);
const version = createRobotQuery(client, 'getVersion');
const stopAll = createRobotMutation(client, 'stopAll');
{#if version.current.error}
Error fetching version: {version.current.error.message}
{:else if}
<p>Platform: {}</p>
<p>API version: {}</p>
<p>Version: {}</p>
<button onclick={() => stopAll.current.mutate([])}> Stop All </button>
To create and execute queries / mutations on resource (component / service) clients, use the following convenience hooks.
<script lang="ts">
import { BaseClient } from '@viamrobotics/sdk';
import {
} from '@viamrobotics/svelte-sdk';
interface Props {
partID: string;
name: string;
let { partID, name }: Props = $props();
const client = createResourceClient(
() => partID,
() => name
const isMoving = createResourceQuery(client, 'isMoving');
const moveStraight = createResourceMutation(client, 'moveStraight');
Is moving: { ?? false}
<button onclick={() => moveStraight.current.mutate([100, 10])}> Move </button>
A hook for more easily dealing with StreamClient.
<script lang="ts">
import { createStreamClient } from '@viamrobotics/svelte-sdk';
interface Props {
partID: string;
name: string;
let { partID, name }: Props = $props();
let element: HTMLVideoElement;
const client = createStreamClient(
() => partID,
() => name
$effect(() => {
element.srcObject = client.mediaStream;
$effect(() => {
const [firstResolution] = client.resolutions ?? [];
if (firstResolution) {
Wraps client.resourceNames()
in a reactive query. Supports optional filtering by resource subtype.
<script lang="ts">
import { useResourceNames } from '@viamrobotics/svelte-sdk';
interface Props {
partID: string;
let { partID }: Props = $props();
const resources = useResourceNames(() => partID);
const arms = useResourceNames(
() => partID,
() => 'arm'
First install dependencies with pnpm install
, then start a development server:
pnpm dev
# or start the server and open the app in a new browser tab
pnpm dev -- --open
To build the library:
pnpm package
To publish a new version of the library, run the changeset CLI:
npx @changesets/cli
This will trigger the github changeset bot to prepare a new version in CI.