The training content resides within the content directory.
The main part are the labs, which can be found at content/en/docs.
This site is built using the static page generator Hugo.
The page uses the docsy theme which is included as a Hugo Module.
Run the following command to update all modules with their newest upstream version:
hugo mod get -u
Command without hugo installation:
export HUGO_VERSION=$(grep -oP "(?<=hugo-version: ')[^']*(?=')" .github/workflows/hugo.yaml)
docker run --rm --interactive -v $(pwd):/src${HUGO_VERSION} mod get -u
To develop locally we don't want to rebuild the entire container image every time something changed, and it is also important to use the same hugo versions like in production. We simply mount the working directory into a running container, where hugo is started in the server mode.
export HUGO_VERSION=$(grep -oP "(?<=hugo-version: ')[^']*(?=')" .github/workflows/hugo.yaml)
docker run --rm --publish 8080:8080 --volume $(pwd):/src floryn90/hugo:$HUGO_VERSION-ext-ubuntu server --port 8080
- switch to cloudflare pages?
- 1-3 advanced labs