Scripts to reproduce the numerical experiments of the paper "Stochastic Rounding Variance and Probabilistic Bound: a New Approach".
Before running the scripts, ensure that you have installed Verificarlo v0.8.0, Python 3, and matplotlib on your computer.
To reproduce Inner product experiments use the following commands:
sr-variance-bounds$ cd inner-product
# To generate figure 8 with 1 - lambda = 0.9
# The generated plot is a pdf file named inner-product-plot.pdf
sr-variance-bounds/inner-product$ verificarlo-c -O2 --function=dot_product_sr ./product.c -o product
sr-variance-bounds/inner-product$ ./
To reproduce Horner polynomial evaluation experiments use the following commands:
sr-variance-bounds$ cd horner
# To generate figure 6 with 1 - lambda = 0.9
# The generated plot is a pdf file named horner-plot20.pdf
sr-variance-bounds/horner$ ./ 20 64
# To generate figure 7 with 1 - lambda = 0.9
# The generated plot is a pdf file named horner-plot24-26.pdf
sr-variance-bounds/horner$ ./ 24 26 26