Python project for searching for job openings on LinkedIn and email me a summary
- Go through LinkedIn Job posts using Selenium
- Save the post’s information I'm interested in and URL into a dictionary
- Filter and format the data
- Send me the data by a HTML formatted email
- Web Scraping using Selenium (automated web testing tool). Learned how to use it’s classes and methods.
- Gained an understanding of Xpaths and HTML tags, IDs and classes for finding elements in website
- Handled Selenium exceptions that involved not finding an element (which resulted into program crashing)
- Formatted data in HTML in order to add emojis, bullets and colors for highlighting important information in email aided by MIMEMultipart library
- Send automated email aided by Smtplib
I’m currently enrolled in 100 Days of Code: The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp (Udemy) and this is the course’s #49th project. The original project only involved saving the post or applying to it, but I went a bit further and decided to filter the data and email me a summary of it.
My criteria for filtering and formatting the job offers were based on:
- Mentioned programming languages description: Looked for languages I was familiar with and saved those who were found in text. Colored Python in turquese for outstanding in email
- Work Modality: Since I'm main interested in remote positions or nerby me, I added a computer emoji to text when found a Remote position and and office emoji when not.
- Level, Location and Published Date: Outstanded each job detail into a bulled list in email
- Link: Added link to job offer for further reference and avoiding adding full job description into email