FancyBox is a rails plugin wrapper for a jquery plugin wit the same name. It's essentialy installs and gives you helper methods for using in your views. You can find the original documentation at : Once you install you can also call it from jquery as well.
- rails plugin install git://
- run rake fancy_box:install:all
- make sure you have jQuery included (e.g. <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>)
- somewhere in the head of your page, put <%= include_fancy_box %>
- That's it!
To use it for inline content or remote content do:
link_to_box "Some div", "#some-div"
link_to_box "google", ""
link_to_box "some page", "/some/page"
#OR to override the default fancy_box class
link_to_box "some box", "#some-box", :box_class => "small"
NOTE : you can also do:
link_to "Some div", "#some-div", :class => "fancy"
To use it for images do:
link_to_image "special.jpg"
#OR to add in a caption
link_to_image "special.jpg", :title => "special image"
#OR if you want a different thumbnail pic
link_to_image "special-thumb.jpg:special-big.jpg"
To create an image gallery with fancy boxes do:
fancy_gallery [array of hashes]
fancy_gallery {:thumb => "first-thumb.jpg", :main => "first.jpg", :title => "first pic"}
Hash options:
:thumb => "The thumbnail for the pic",
:main => "The main picture to open in the fancy box",
:title => "The title for your picture"
All the methods use standard link_to options, there are just there to save you some precious keystrokes.
NOTE : if you use a base reset css stylesheet, it will not render the caption properly, this might be due to the fact that you have td styled with vertical-align: baseline, MAKE SURE that you find that somewhere in your stylesheet and remove it or comment it out.
The fancy_box helper method simply generates an inline div that allows you to add a title as well.
# Standard fancy box container
fancy_box :title => "My Special Box" do
#This is my special box with content
# Standard fancy box container with a link
fancy_box :title => "My Special Box", :link => "Open Special Box" do
#This is my special box with content
:title => "A title for your fancy_box"
:options => standard html options for the container
:link => "Name of link"
:link => {:content => "Name of link", link_to_box_options}
This plugin covers the 80% use case, that basically means that it will help you create fancy boxes using convention over configuration, if you need to configure fancy_box open up load_fancybox.js and add your own settings.
- based off of the fancy_box jquery plugin by :
Copyright (c) 2009 Vann Ek, released under the MIT license