Special thanks to jctaoo for his original template vite-electron-esbuild-starter.
The electron project stater using vite for renderer process and esbuild / tsc for main process.
Uses Svelte as the framework for render.
Note: CSC_IDENTITY_AUTO_DISCOVERY is set to false by default to avoid the codesign operation in packaging macos (learn more: codesign)
Create a Project:
- Clone this project directly.
- If you use GitHub, click Use this template at the top of the page or here (do not check include all branch)
Installation dependencies
npm i
Start local development
# Use esbuild to compile the main process Typescript and run the application
npm run dev
# Only build the target code and resources of the main process and the rendering process, without packaging (exe, dmg, etc.)
npm run build
# Preview your application in production mode without pack.
npm run preview
# Build and pack as a runnable program or installer
npm run pack:win
npm run pack:mac
npm run pack:linux
# Pack for all platforms
npm run pack # Exclude mac platform, applicable to linux & win
npm run pack:all
Clean up the build directory
npm run clean
app/ Electron-Builder app directory and its build directory
├─ package.json Production dependencies, all stored as dependencies (not devDependencies)
dist/ Electron-Builder package directory
scripts/ Support scripts for development/build.
├─ common/ Common code
├─ main/ for main process
├─ renderer/ For renderer process
package.json Dependencies during development, all stored as devDependencies (not dependencies)
vite.config.ts Vite configurations
electron-builder.yml Electron-Builder configurations