media-organizer Public
CLI program for creating dedicated folder structure by media metadata
testing-library-docs Public
Forked from testing-library/testing-library-docsdocs site for @testing-library/*
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedNov 24, 2023 -
zustand Public
Forked from pmndrs/zustand🐻 Bear necessities for state management in React
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedMay 12, 2023 -
react-diagrams Public
Forked from projectstorm/react-diagramsa super simple, no-nonsense diagramming library written in react that just works
postgres-ru Public
Forked from Shulyakovskiy/postgres-rusPostgreSQL 11 RU Docker image
qlean-wars Public
Demo about using suspense with react-cache instead of redux for server requests
apollo-absinthe-upload-link Public
Forked from bytewitchcraft/apollo-absinthe-upload-linkA network interface for Apollo that enables file-uploading to Absinthe back ends.
absinthe Public
Forked from absinthe-graphql/absintheThe GraphQL toolkit for Elixir
apollo-client Public
Forked from apollographql/apollo-client🚀 A fully-featured, production ready caching GraphQL client for every UI framework and GraphQL server
swoosh Public
Forked from swoosh/swooshCompose, deliver and test your emails easily in Elixir
user-event Public
Forked from testing-library/user-event🐕 Simulate user events for react-testing-library
arc Public
Forked from stavro/arc📎 Flexible file upload and attachment library for Elixir
pow Public
Forked from sensiblearts/powRobust, modular, and extendable user authentication system
react-amsterdam-report Public
React Amsterdam workshops and conference presentation report
asciinema Public
Forked from asciinema/asciinemaTerminal session recorder 📹
graphqlean Public
Presentation about migration costs and pros from Redux to GraphQL
gatsby Public
Forked from gatsbyjs/gatsby⚛️📄🚀 Blazing fast site generator for React
react-native-scrollable-tab-view Public
Forked from apaul314/react-native-scrollable-tab-viewTabbed navigation that you can swipe between, each tab can have its own ScrollView and maintain its own scroll position between swipes. Pleasantly animated. Customizable tab bar
Adds attributes to span tags to MarkdownRemark using remark-bracketed-spans plugin
react Public
Forked from facebook/reactA declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
spectacle Public
Forked from FormidableLabs/spectacleReactJS based Presentation Library
react-helmet Public
Forked from nfl/react-helmetA document head manager for React
redux-form Public
Forked from redux-form/redux-formA Higher Order Component using react-redux to keep form state in a Redux store
Install-Python-on-CoreOs Public
Forked from judexzhu/Install-Python-on-CoreOs -
remark-bracketed-spans Public
Forked from sethvincent/remark-bracketed-spansAdd an id, classes, and data attributes to `<span>` tags in markdown.
exiftool Public
Forked from nathanpeck/exiftoolA Node.js wrapper around exiftool, providing metadata extraction from numerous audio, video, document, and binary filetypes