YiiSendGrid is an application component used for sending email through sendgrid.
It's a wrapper for SendGrid php library
- PHP 5.6+
- download the file and extract to protected/extensions (or anywhere you like, but then adjust the example accordingly)
- go to the extension directory and run
composer install
Add the component to your configuration file (usually protected/configs/main.php) as below:
return array(
'components' => array(
'sendgrid' => array(
'class' => 'ext.yii-sendgrid.YiiSendGrid', //path to YiiSendGrid class
'apiKey'=>'myApiKey', //replace with your actual api key
$message = Yii::app()->sendgrid->createEmail();
//shortcut to $message = new Mail();
"text/html", "<strong>Example message</strong>"
$message->setSubject('Test message');
$message->addTo('[email protected]');
$message->setFrom([email protected]);