Module for the MagicMirror² smart mirror. Displays tasks from Google Tasks.
- The Google Node.js client library: For authentication and Google Tasks API (v1). See Installation for instructions
To install the module, use your terminal to:
- Navigate to your MagicMirror's modules folder, e.g.
. - Clone the module:
git clone
- Install Google API:
npm install googleapis
Google Tasks API an authenticated OAuth2 client:
- Go here, and click "Enable the Google Tasks API" button. Follow the steps.
- After the directions,
- Browse to page of the project created in Step 1,
- Click the download button on the Actions column of the OAuth 2.0 Client IDs table, and
- Save the file as
in your MMM-GoogleTasks directory (MagicMirror/modules/MMM-GoogleTasks
- Enable Google Tasks API. Select the same project as in Step 1.
- Run authenticate.js:
node ./authenticate.js
from your MMM-GoogleTasks directory. - Follow the script instructions and it should print your lists. Copy the ListID of the list you want.
- Save the desired listID and a unique listName for this list in the config.js.
- Rename the generated token.json as follows:
, e.g.tokenJeff.json
. - Repeat all steps for each user for multi-user support.
To use this module, add the following configuration block to the modules array in the config/config.js
var config = {
modules: [
module: 'MMM-GoogleTasks',
header: "Google Tasks",
position: "top_left",
config: {
listID: "MDbG9uZ2V4YW1wbGVzdHJpbmc",
listName: "Foo"
// See below for Configuration Options
Option | Details |
listID |
Required - List ID printed from authenticate.js (see installation) |
listName |
Required - Unique name used to differentiate token.json for multiple users' lists. The same token can be used for multiple single-user lists. |
maxResults |
Optional - Max number of list items to retrieve. Possible values: 0 - 100 Default value: 10 |
width |
Optional - sets the module width. Default value: 320 px |
showCompleted |
Optional - Show completed task items Possible values: true false Default value: false |
dateFormat |
Optional - Format to use for due date Possible values: See Moment.js formats Default value: MMM Do (e.g. Jan 18th) |
updateInterval |
Optional - Interval at which content updates (minutes) Tasks API has default maximum of 50,000 calls per day. Default value: 5 minutes |
animationSpeed |
Speed of the update animation. (seconds) Possible values: 0 - 5 Default value: 2 seconds |
tableClass |
Name of the classes issued from main.css . Possible values: xsmall small medium large xlarge Default value: small |
sortOrder |
Using SortBy element, determines which direction to sort. Possible values: ascending descending Default value: ascending |
sortBy |
Which Google Task subelement to use for sorting Possible values: due updated title Default value: due |
groupSubTasks |
Whether to group sub tasks under their parents or list them on their own. Possible values: true false Default value: true |
taskIcon |
Icon to use as bullet point for each task, something from the iconify icon set. Default value: bx:square-rounded |