Gaussifier / MOAT (Mother Of All Transforms)
The idea behind this transform is inspired by the procedure to remove disparate impact which has been presented previously in the literature which has also been implemented in another repository of mine. It could possibly be used in statistics as well as for preprocessing of data in ML.
The idea for this transform, is to take one sample, the training sample, and then assign an aggregated probability density for each of the datapoints. If the datapoints are first sorted this probability is F(x_i) = P(X<=x_i) = (i + 1) / (N + 1) when i goes from 0 to N-1.
The test data, xp_j, j=1..M, can then for instance be linearly interpolated using the point set of x and F(x), and extrapolated when xp_j < min(x) or xp_j > max(x). Quite arbitrarily a gaussian curve form can then be generated by the obtained percent points and the percent point function of the norm module in the stastistical functions of scipy.
Figure 1.Tranformation when the x and xp datasets are equal
Figure 2. Gaussifying data with uniform distibution