carrier_A - use 1
carrier_f - use anything between 6000 and 14000. Expected carrier frequency will be 10000
bit_rate - will be 6000
sample_rate - needs to be 48000
message - .txt file name with message to encode: must be in the directory
output_file_name - .wav file name for output MSK signal
- Make sure there is a message file in the same directory or specify the path in the script when you call the function.
- Run the function, it will generate a .wav file.
input_file - this is the output from msk_encode_v2_1_2
bit_rate - default set to 6000 as this is what the bit rate should be
It will generate a .BIN file with the demodulated message.
Notes: needs to operate at 48000 Hz sample rate, 6000 bps and the start of the message must be the sync key '00101010'
- Make sure the .wav file is in the same directory or specify the path in the script when you call the function
- Run the function, it will generate a .BIN file
- Port MSK code to gui-app and telecommand-server
- Port bcjr decoder to gui-app and make encoder for telecommand-server
- Write SHAKE128 hashing function