- Solution
- Technical Overview
- Components
- Functionalities
- Deployment
- API reference
- Release notes
- Support
IVerify processes articles and outputs reports with a determination of their veracity. The inputs are either manual, by members of the public or the iVerify team, or automated. People can submit articles for review via text (WhatsApp, SMS, and more) or directly through the iVerify platform.
These reports are then sent to the team of in-person fact-checkers, composed of individuals linked to one or several national counterparts that have been capacitated and equipped through the iVerify’s initiative. As part of their fact-checking assignment, the team follows up with the people or institutions mentioned in a story to determine the veracity of the claims made. If those in-person verifiers find hate speech, disinformation, or misinformation, they flag it and publish an article on the iVerify website to let the world know. iVerify leverages open-source technology, Meedan Check, to help. It uses human-in-the-loop machine learning to match content so that anything already labeled false doesn't have to be reviewed again, improving efficiency. All these tools and approaches are open and available to anyone to use.
The idea is a set of integrations built around the Meedan Check platform, providing additional features to facilitate the fact-checking process and the dissemination of fact-checked stories to the public.
The solution comprises of 5 custom components (iVerify Dashboard, WordPress website, Dashboard API, Publisher bot, Triage bot) plus 3 external components integrated in the solution (Meedan Check, Perspective/Detoxify). Each custom component is deployed as an independent application within a dedicated Docker container. These are
- The WordPress website container
- The Publisher bot container
- The Triage bot container
This repository, undp-iverify is the set of Node.js apps responsible for the integration and data analytics layers in the iVerify toolset to be used in addressing information pollution (misinformation) and hate speech nationally.
For the WordPress website component please visit undp-iVerify-web.
There are 2 different apps, conveniently held in a single Nrwl/Nx monorepo:
- publisher: a backend app built with Nest.js responsible for publishing data externally (primarily on WordPress)
- triage: a backend app built with Nest.js responsible for the triage of toxic social media content
Additionally, a MySql database is required for persistence.
Integration features:
The system integrates with the fact-checking portal Meedan Check and provides extra channels for both the publication of fact-checking reports and the tipline for incoming stories.
Meedan Check - WordPress:
Publication on WordPress of Meedan Check reports:
When a fact-checking report is published in Meedan Check, a webhook triggers the publication of a corresponding article on the WordPress site.
Creation of Meedan Check items from WordPress (story suggestion):
The WordPress site can also serve as a tipline source for Meedan Check. The public can submit a url with or without related images and a discription for a story to fact-check and a corresponding fact-checking item will be created on Meedan Check.
Fact checking result as a feedback:
If the fack checked content is submitted through the iVerify Wordpress and if the user has requested to notify after the fact checking process, User will be notified to the provided email about the publication of the content with results.
A working instance of Meedan Check
Meedan check folders and annotation structure as per the Iverify Standard.
On Meedan Check, there must be webhooks configured to hit these endpoints:
- Event
sends data to the endpoint:PUBLISHER_URL/publish/publish-webhook
- Event
sends data to the endpoint:API_URL/stats/item-status-changed
- Event
Both endpoints receive a minimum payload containing the dbid of the item that triggered the event. Instructions for how to set up a webhook (or bot) are on the Check Wiki
A WordPress website with Secure Custom Fields plugin enabled (see undp-iVerify-web for detailed instructions on how to set up the WordPress site)
A Perspective API Key Perspective
The apps need a number of environment variables that can be stored in a single .env
file at the root of the project. This is the list of the variables needed:
: URL of the Meedan Check instanceCHECK_API_TOKEN
: Meedan Check authentication tokenCHECK_API_TEAM
: Meedan Check team's slugCHECK_TIPLINE_FOLDER_ID
: ID of the Meedan Check folder for items from WordPress tipline
: secret token for the authentication of iVerify WordPress on TriageWP_URL
: url of iVerify WordPressWP_USERNAME
: login for iVerify WordPress REST APIWP_PASSWORD
: login for iVerify WordPress REST APIWP_PUBLISHED_FOLDER
: ID of the Meedan Check folder where published items are moved to
: base URL of the Detoxify serverDETOXIFY_TRESHOLD
: toxicity cutoff
: Database credentialsDB_PORT
: Database credentialsDB_HOST
: Database credentialsDB_NAME
: Database credentialsDB_PASSWORD
: Database credentialslanguage
: language ('en' or 'es')
: ID for task 'Violation Type' on Meedan CheckUNSTARTED_VALUE
: 'value' property of validation statuses on Meedan CheckIN_PROGRESS_VALUE
: 'value' property of validation statuses on Meedan CheckFALSE_VALUE
: 'value' property of validation statuses on Meedan CheckTRUE_VALUE
: 'value' property of validation statuses on Meedan CheckMISLEADING_VALUE
: 'value' property of validation statuses on Meedan CheckOUT_OF_SCOPE_VALUE
: 'value' property of validation statuses on Meedan CheckPARTLY_FALSE_VALUE
: 'value' property of validation statuses on Meedan CheckINCONCLUSIVE_VALUE
: 'value' property of validation statuses on Meedan CheckPRE_CHECKED_VALUE
: 'value' property of validation statuses on Meedan Check
: secrets for Dashboard authentication through iVerify WordPressWT_SECRET_TOKEN
: secrets for Dashboard authentication through iVerify WordPressCLIENT_ID
: secrets for Dashboard authentication through iVerify WordPressCLIENT_SECRET
: secrets for Dashboard authentication through iVerify WordPressREDIRECT_URI
: secrets for Dashboard authentication through iVerify WordPress.
- To install dependencies:
npm i
- To run publisher locally:
npx nx serve publisher
- To run triage locally:
npx nx serve triage
All the apps need to be built before deployment. The build command is:
- npx nx build APP_NAME –configuration=production
The ‘configuration’ flag represents additional configuration parameters that can be specified in the environments folder in each application.
After the build, the application bundle can be found in the dist/APP_NAME folder.
This procedure can be automated using Docker and the repository includes a docker-compose.prod.yml file and app specific Dockerfile-prod files for each application. These can be customized to reflect the new deployment environment.
All backend apps have Swagger. To access the API docs go to APP_URL/api.
- v1.0: Zambia
- v2.0: Honduras
- v3.0: Kenya
With funding, coordination and support from United Nations Development Programme
UNDP is responsible for managing the application.
Availability problems, failures of platform components, capacity requirements, performances degradation, database indexing, backup and monitoring are all in the responsibility of UNDP.
UNDP is also responsible for performing the user support.
By performing such support UNDP may require assistance from UNICC.