This repository contains the algorithm which is capable of the avoidance of one static object at the moment with trapezoid shape.
kiteres_iranya: From which side should the car avoid the obstacle [string] jobbra or balra
kiteres_hossza: How long should be the first stage of the avoidance (before the obstacle) [m]
oldaliranyu_eltolas: How high should be the trapezoid from the original trajectory [m]
elkerules_hossza: How long should be the second stage of the avoidance (alongside the obstacle)[m]
visszateres_hossza: How long should be the return to the original trajectory (after the obstacle)[m]
distance_delta: The distance between two points in the resampled trajectory [m]
lookahead: In how many waypoints should the collision examination before the car happen. [int]
polygon_size_threshold: The minimum length of a polygon what we get from euclidean cluster. Above this value we won't detect any objects.[m]
presence_threshold: How many times should be the waypoint appear as occupaid before it becomes valid. The bigger value means that there is a lower chance of false detect but the path replannig will be slower. [int]
delete_threshold: If no object in the waypoints the algorithm waits delete_threshold times before deleting from the valid points. [int]
- /current_pose
- /points_no_ground Pointcloud2 from autoware ray ground filter
- /detection/lidar_detector/objects DetectedObjectArray from autoware euclidean_cluster_detect
- /converted_euclidean_objects MarkerArray from object_transform
- /global_waypoints/visualization MarkerArray
- /base_waypoints autoware_msgs/Lane
cd catkin_ws/src
git clone
git clone
cd ..
catkin build obstacle_avoidance object_transform
source devel/setup.bash
- Make sure that car parameters are exists
roslaunch nissan_bringup car_parameters_leaf.launch
- Set the original trajectory as a rosparam waypoint_file_name
For example:
rosparam set waypoint_file_name /home/miki/Downloads/elkerules_test4.csv
- Run the launch file:
roslaunch obstacle_avoidance elkerules.launch
- Set the parameters in rqt_reconfigure and run the node
rosrun rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure
rosrun obstacle_avoidance