Pomodoro timer for Mac.
If you use intel mac, you can download PomodoroTimer.app from Release page.
Or you can also build PomodoroTimer.app for both intel mac and apple silicon mac from source code. (Recomended)
You can uninstall this app by the following steps.
- Delete PomodoroTimer.app file.
- Remove the following directory.
$ rm -r ~/.pomodoroTimer
You can build PomodoroTimer.app from source code by the following steps.
- git
- node
- npm
$ git clone https://github.com/um7a/pomodoro_timer.git
$ cd pomodoro_timer
$ npm install
$ npm run build:x64
Compiled app is in dist/mac/
$ npm run build:arm64
Compiled app is in dist/mac-arm64/
The following commands are useful when you edit the source code.
$ npm run test
$ npm run start