A library/command line tool for working with BFLYT files, used for layout editing with ui2d.
Usage: bflyt-tool [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>
unpack Convert from bflyt to json
pack Convert from json to bflyt
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-o, --out <OUT>
-p, --print <PRINT> [possible values: true, false]
-h, --help Print help
- Unpack BFLYT to file
bflyt-tool unpack info_training.bflyt -o info_training.json
- Pack BFLYT from JSON
bflyt-tool pack info_training.json -o out.bflyt
- Unpack BFLYT to console
bflyt-tool unpack info_training.bflyt --print
Install cargo, and build with nightly.
cargo +nightly build --release