An GoLnag application to process the records and write them in the format of YAML or JSON based on the Environment varible ("FORMAT") onto a File
inp.txt Rohan,12,M,[cricket,football],5.9,50 Rohit,11,M,[football],5.8,51 Keerthi,13,F,[badminton,table tennis],5.5,45 Rohini,12,M,[tennis],5.4,44 Rakesh,12,M,[cricket],5.9,55 Vinay,12,M,[chess,carrom],5.7,52 Neha,12,F,[volleyball],5.7,40
**Key Components of the Code **
*) Process_file() - sport.go converts the raw data of record to a compatible version of arrays of string to store them in a struct *) DetailWriter interface -sport.go is implemented by - DetailWriterJson struct and DetailWriterYaml struct
Internally defined Packages A sport.go file is placed under Sport folder and this is imported by main.go
Output A file with all the records processed in the fomat of .yaml or .json
**External Packages used **
*)Viper - To access Environment variables