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Hack on the Hill (HOTH) Website

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This repository contains the code for ACM Hack’s Hack on the Hill website! Hack on the Hill (HOTH) is a 12-hour, beginner-friendly hackathon hosted by ACM Hack @ UCLA. This event is designed to give beginners a taste of what a hackathon looks and feels like. During HOTH, there are workshops and mentors available to provide technical support and help beginners get started on their projects. There is also hardware available for hackers to check out and hack with.

This website is developed with Gatsby and Material UI, and is a work-in-progress being developed by ACM Hack’s Dev Team:

Past contributors:

ACM Hack is a subcomittee of ACM @ UCLA, the largest Computer Science student organization in Southern California. Check out our website to learn more about who we are and what we do!

Getting Started

You’ll need:

  • Git
  • Node.js – we are currently using v16. In the event that this changes, we will need to modify package.json, .nvmrc, and .github/workflows/lint.yml to reflect the change.
  • Yarn 1.x (Note that we don’t yet work with Yarn 2.)
  • if you use VSCode, we recommend you install the EditorConfig extension

Running the Project

Type the following lines in your command line:

$ git clone
$ cd
$ yarn
$ yarn develop

You can then navigate to http://localhost:8000/ in your browser to see the website!


  • Be sure to run yarn every time there are changes to package.json. Usually you’ll want to run yarn in the following scenarios:
    • after pulling from main
    • after merging main into your branch
    • after switching branches (that may have different dependencies)
  • This project uses ESLint to ensure code style compliance. ESLint is automatically run when you try to make a Git commit, though this can be overridden in exigent circumstances with --no-verify. To run ESLint manually, do yarn lint.


If something breaks in a weird way, try the following in order:

  • run yarn
  • delete the public, .cache, and node_modules/.cache directories
  • delete the node_modules directory entirely and reinstall dependencies by running yarn



The Gallery Page is implemented in src/components/GalleryPage. Images can be added to the gallery carousel by adding images to src/images/gallery-carousel. The page opens up to the winners of the most recent HOTH, with the option of seeing the winners of the other HOTHS as well. The actual implementation of each HOTH's gallery is in src/data/winners, with each HOTH having a yaml file with its gallery. In order to add a new HOTH, just create a new yaml file with the name hoth-$(hoth number).yml, and use the following format (this is HOTH 1's, as an example):

- name: "HOTH 1"
    - title: Nector
      category: Best Hack
      description: "Breaking the ice, one word at a time."
      link: ""
      image: nector
    - title: Granny Simulator
      category: Best Design
      description: "A fun look into the daily life of a seemingly normal granny (feat. missing dentures & hungry children)."
      link: ""
      image: grannysim

The images referenced by the image prop of each winner can be inserted into src/images/gallery-winners in its respective HOTH number folder. Finally, make sure to change the to prop of the Gallery Page in const links in src/components/MenuBar/ButtonBar.js to the most recent HOTH (/gallery/hoth-$(#)).

Homepage Carousel

Photos for the homepage carousel are stored in the following directory: src/images/homepage-carousel. In order to include a photo in this carousel, just add the photo to this directory.


Announcements are implemented the Announcements page and via a Github Actions script that pulls data from the HOTH Announcements Data issue on the HOTH website's Github page. Each comment serving as its own separate announcement. Every time a new comment is added on this issue, the Github Actions script re-scrapes the data from the issue and publishes it onto the Announcements Page with the new comment included.

Therefore, announcements can be added to the announcements page by adding a comment to this issue in the following format: ${Subject}(Subject)${Body}.

To enumerate, comments/announcements should have the subject/title of the announcement, followed by (Subject), followed by the body/description of the announcement.


The Prize Page is implemented in the files src/components/PrizePage/Prizes.js and src/components/PrizePage/PrizeHeader.js. In the Prizes.js file, we can see a constant that defines how prizes are implemented:

const allPrizes = [
		img: 'best-overall',
		track: 'Best Overall',
		prize: '$240 Amazon Gift Card',
		caption: '1 Echo Studio'

Prizes can be added to the Prize Page by adding the new prize with the following format. As for the img section of allPrizes, this defines the name of both the prize icon and prize image, which are held in the src/images/prize-icons and src/images/prize-images folders, respectively. When adding the prize, make sure to add the icon and image to these folders, each image with the same filename you used for the img section of allPrizes.


The FAQ section's implementation is in the directory src/components/HomePage/FAQSection.js. Within the file, at the beginning of the function component function FAQSection(), there is a const faqs variable that holds all of the FAQs that are displayed on the page. Each FAQ has the following format:

	question: `What's a hackathon?`,
			A hackathon is an event during which people from different backgrounds
			come together to create a project from start to finish in a limited time frame.
			Check out some examples from last year!
			HOTH <Link href='https://hoth8.devpost.coproject-gallery'>here</Link>!

FAQs can be added to the FAQ section by adding the new question and answer to this variable in the given format. Make sure to put a comma after the closing bracket!


The implementation of the Schedule Page is within src/components/SchedulePage. All of the information for the actual schedule is displayed in src/data/eventSchedule.js, in the constant eventSchedule. In this constant, events are defined as follows:

		startTime: getDateObj('26', '08:00:00'),
		events: [
				name: 'Check in',
				duration: '30 min',
				location: 'Covel Grand Horizon',
				description: `Bring your bruin card and daily symptoms monitoring
				survey to check in with one of the Hack officers at the front.
				Remember to bring some snacks, water, your laptop, and your laptop charger!`

Portions of the schedule are denoted via their start time (a date object with the day number of the month and time specified), with each json element having its own start time. Add events to the schedule using this format, making sure to order them by time. Notice that the events prop of each json element is an array, meaning that multiple events can be part of the same start time. Just add a comma to that element's last event and another set of brackets corresponding with the next event. Make sure to add each event's name, duration, location, and description.

Workshop Page

The workshop page is implemented in src/components/WorkshopPage, and the workshops are defined in the workshops constant of src/components/WorkshopPage/WorkshopPage.js. Workshops are split up by type, such as Web Development, Mobile Development, and Miscellaneous.

		type: 'Mobile Development',
		elements: [
				title: 'Intro to React Native',
				author: 'James Wu',
				description: `Ever wanted to make your own mobile app? Let's explore React Native—a cross
				platform development tool that's behind Instagram, Facebook, Discord, and many other
				iconic names. In this workshop, we'll learn how to create our own app from scratch,
				going over views, components, functionality, and more so that you can be a native of React! `,
				youtube: '',
				readme: '',
				slides: ''

Each workshop type has an elements array with all of its workshops. In order to add workshops to the page, just add the workshops to an existing type's elements array under the given format or add a new workshop type and add the workshop to that type's new elements array.