This is a laravel wrapper that lets you easily configure and use in your laravel project. is a printcss layout and rendering engine written in PHP.
Make sure you have access to a valid composer token from
Add package repository to composer and install the package via composer:
composer config repositories.typesetsh composer
composer require typesetsh/laravel-wrapper
The package will be automatically discovered in your application thanks to package auto-discovery.
The wrapper works similar to the view. Technically it wraps the view and uses its html output and renders it as pdf.
You can use the facade pattern. Similar as you would render a view.
use Typesetsh\LaravelWrapper\Facades\Pdf;
Route::get('/invoice/print', function () {
$invoice = new stdClass();
return Pdf::make('invoice', ['invoice' => $invoice]);
Alternative you can use the helper.
Route::get('/invoice/print', function () {
$invoice = new stdClass();
return Typesetsh\pdf('invoice', ['invoice' => $invoice]);
or force a download
Route::get('/invoice/print', function () {
$invoice = new stdClass();
return Typesetsh\pdf('invoice', ['invoice' => $invoice])->forceDownload('invoice.pdf');
or assign a save handler.
use Typesetsh\HtmlToPdf\StandardEncryption;
use Typesetsh\Pdf\Security\Encryption\Standard\Permission;
Route::get('/invoice/print', function () {
$invoice = new stdClass();
return Typesetsh\pdf('invoice', ['invoice' => $invoice])
->with(new StandardEncryption("owner123", "user123", Permission::FORMS));
}); does not require much configuration. The only important aspect to understand is that by default does not allow including any external resources (image, css, fonts,...) unless specified.
See the configuration file config/typesetsh.php
for more information. By default,
has access to the public directory and any http(s) resources.
You can also publish the file using:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Typesetsh\LaravelWrapper\ServiceProvider"
This extension is under the MIT license.
However, it requires a version of to work.