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Breeding Settings

Tyler Camp edited this page Mar 2, 2025 · 4 revisions

Pal Calc offers many options for controlling the breeding-solver process. Some settings provide better results but take significantly longer to run. The settings with the largest performance impact are:

  • Solver Settings - Max Bred Irrelevant Passives
  • Solver Settings - Max CPUs
  • Target Pal Settings - Passive Skills
  • Target Pal Settings - IVs

More information about these settings can be found in the sections below.

Game Settings

Settings specific to your save file are on the left side of the window, below the "Save File" section at the top left.

These are saved when changed and are not shared between save files.

They do not affect how long the solving process takes.

  • Breeding Time: This setting converts "attempts" into a time estimate. For example, if a pal requires ~6 attempts and each attempt takes 5 minutes, the total estimated time is ~30 minutes. Since pals are inactive at night, Pal Calc doubles this estimate, resulting in ~60 minutes.
  • Multiple Breeding Farms: This setting affects how the parents' breeding times are included in the total time estimate for the child pal. If enabled, multiple breeding farms allow parents to breed simultaneously. For instance:
    • One parent takes 2 hours, the other takes 3 hours.
    • Total parent time = 3 hours (if enabled) or 5 hours (if disabled).
    • This combined parent time is added to the child's estimate to calculate the total time.

If you lack materials, breeding farms, or don't want to manage lots of breeding farms, Multiple Breeding Farms should be disabled.

Solver Settings

The general solver settings are located at the top of the window. These are not tied to any save file or target pal and are saved when changed.

Here are suggested starting values:

Max Breeding Steps 30 Limits results with too many breeding steps. You can lower this value if processing takes too long. Most results require fewer than 20 steps, so leaving it at the max value (99) is usually fine.
Max Wild Pals 4 Considers wild pals for breeding. Set this to at least 1 to account for guaranteed passives like Legend even if you don't own any pals with those passives.
Max Input Irrelevant Passives 4 Limits how many irrelevant passives (not listed under Target Pal - Passive Skills) owned pals can have when building the initial breeding pool. The solver will always prefer pals with fewer irrelevant passives, regardless of this setting.
Max Bred Irrelevant Passives 1 Determines how many undesired passives are tracked and considered in children. Higher values significantly increase processing time. 0 is fast but usually not optimal. 1 is often good enough. 2 occasionally gives better results. 3 typically isn't worth the time.
Max Solver Steps 10 The results of each step are fed back into the solver, as many times as allowed by this setting. The solver will usually stop within 8 steps, but you can use this setting to force it to stop early.
Max CPUs 0 The solver will use as many CPU cores as it's allowed. Setting this to 0 will use all cores.

Target Pal Settings

These settings define the solver's goals for the selected Target Pal. They are saved when the solver successfully completes and reset when the Target Pal or save file is changed.


Defines the type of pal to breed. Note that some pals have specific breeding requirements (e.g., Jetragon requires two Jetragon parents).


Specifies the gender of the target pal. This affects the final breeding results and their time estimates but is typically left as Any Gender.

Passive Skills

  • Required Passives: Passives listed in the Required tab are always inherited by all final results. Every child generated during solving must include these passives.
  • Optional Passives: Passives listed in the Optional tab are considered but not guaranteed. Children are tracked both with and without these passives.

Each passive you specify, whether Required or Optional, significantly increases solving time. Optional passives have a much larger impact on performance because the solver must account for multiple scenarios at each step.

Tip - Pal Calc applies bonuses from passives like Philanthropist (which halves breeding time) but won't always pass these to children. Adding Philanthropist to your Optional passives, even if the Required Passives list is full, will allow Pal Calc to pass it down to children. This way the bonus can be applied throughout the breeding tree. This will require more processing but usually leads to faster breeding results, though they may require more attempts and resources.


The HP, Attack, and Defense IV settings determine the threshold where Pal Calc will begin to target each IV. IVs set to 0 will not be used to filter results, though the overall IV range will always be tracked and, if multiple options exist with the same time estimate, the option with the highest max IV range will be kept.

When any IV is set, results will only include pals whose minimum IV range meets the criteria. Pal Calc will always prefer results which are faster to breed, rather than results with higher IVs. If you'd rather have higher IVs, you should increase these settings.

The solver's handling of IVs is similar to Passive Skills, where each non-zero IV causes another property to be tracked across all discovered children, leading to exponentially more potential results to evaluate.

Source Pal Settings

The Source Pals section on the right determines which pals are available for breeding.

The solver prioritizes pals in your Palbox, followed by those deployed to a Base, and only uses Party pals if necessary.