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- Updated /search endpoint to only escape searches on lower bounds le…
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…ngth limit for "asyoutype" searches. This fixes issues with running non-AsYouType searches for single or two letter searches such as "w2".

- Added check for indexes already existing before we create them so that we don't create duplicate indexes and incur the overhead of maintaining all the duplicates on the database.
- Added @types/node to the dev packages.
- Updated README adding terminology section to help with developers getting on track with troubleshooting the service.
- Upated build script to better handle versioning updates overlooked by developers.
  • Loading branch information
Drew Pilling (aap64) authored and Drew Pilling (aap64) committed Feb 3, 2025
1 parent 36a8732 commit a672119
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Showing 7 changed files with 129 additions and 41 deletions.
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,16 @@ In addition featured-search-results provides directory listings associated with
maintaining, updating, and searching directory information, including active `department` listings, is provided
with this code and the API endpoints they implement.

## terminology

* __`Result`__ - A result is URL we associate with different types of search _`Matchings`_ that can be found in searches submitted to this service. A part of each result's definition is a _`Display Title`_, the _`Target URL`_, a list of _`Matchings`_, and a percentile _`Weight`_ for use in prioritizing which matchings take precedence when there's multiple Matchings with hits (possibly across multiple Results) - higher weight takes precedence.
* _`Matchings`_ - These associate individual or sets of words to be matched with the search by a _`Matching Type`_ which determines the matching logic to use with the words defined for the Matching.
* _`Matching Types`_ - All comparisons are done case insensitive.
* _`Exact`_ - The words in the matching's definition must exactly match the search submitted.
* _`Phrase`_ - The words in the matching's definition must be present anywhere in the search submitted but in the order found in the matching's definition.
* _`Keyword`_ - The words in the matching's definition must be present in the search submitted but the order in which they're found doesn't matter.
* __`Query` or `Visitor Searches`__ - The search requests submitted to the service. These are logged along with the timestamp of submission and any matching `Results` that the system responded with. An interval task runs roughly every 27 minutes to expire logged Queries that are over 6 months old and recalculate associated hit counts.

## api endpoints

### public endpoints
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22 changes: 20 additions & 2 deletions package-lock.json

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "featured-search-sveltekit",
"version": "0.0.1",
"version": "2.0.36",
"private": true,
"scripts": {
"dev": "vite dev --host --port 80",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
"@txstate-mws/svelte-components": "^1.5.12",
"@txstate-mws/svelte-forms": "^1.3.17",
"@types/luxon": "^3.4.2",
"@types/node": "^22.13.0",
"eslint-config-standard-with-typescript": "^40.0.0",
"eslint-plugin-svelte": "^2.35.1",
"sass": "^1.70.0",
Expand Down
112 changes: 83 additions & 29 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,14 +1,37 @@
# Pass version as first argument - REQUIRED.
#VER="${1:-`git symbolic-ref -q --short HEAD || git describe --tags --exact-match`}"
GITBRANCH=`git symbolic-ref -q --short HEAD`
GITTAG=`git describe --tags --exact-match 2>/dev/null`
COMMIT=$(git rev-parse HEAD)
getNPMVer () {
npm pkg get version | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//'
integrityExit () {
echo $1
echo "$1"
echo "Aborting build to preserve build tag integrity with commits." && exit 1
GITBRANCH=`git symbolic-ref -q --short HEAD`
GITTAG=`git describe --tags --exact-match 2>/dev/null`
COMMIT=$(git rev-parse HEAD)
cd `git rev-parse --show-toplevel` # cd to repo root.
IMAGENAME=`basename $(pwd)`2
if [ -f ./package.json ]; then
echo "Build Tag: $VER"
echo "NPM-Ver: $NPMVER"
echo "Branch: $GITBRANCH"
echo "Git Tag: $GITTAG"
echo Commit: $COMMIT
echo Image Name: $IMAGENAME
# Ensure they've already updated their npm version to match what they want to tag the build with.
if [[ "$NPMVER" != "" && "$VER" != "$NPMVER" ]]; then
integrityExit "The version in your npm package.json file does not match the build tag passed.
Please run the following command to update your package version and commit those changes before attempting to build:
npm version -no-git-tag-version $VER
# Ensure we're building from committed changes.
if `git diff-index --quiet HEAD --`; then
echo "Active branch $GITBRANCH is clean. Continuing with checks..."
Expand All @@ -19,33 +42,64 @@ fi
if [ "$VER" = "$GITBRANCH" ]; then
integrityExit "Not tagging commit $COMMIT on branch $GITBRANCH with tag $GITBRANCH. Please provide a versioning argument."
# Ensure our version paramenter is not in conflict with an existing commit tag.
if [[ "$GITTAG" != "" && "$GITTAG" != "$VER" ]]; then
integrityExit "Not overwriting existing tag $GITTAG on commit $COMMIT with new tag $VER."
## Ensure our version paramenter is not in conflict with an existing commit tag.
#if [[ "$GITTAG" != "" && "$GITTAG" != "v$VER" ]]; then
# integrityExit "Not overwriting existing tag $GITTAG on commit $COMMIT with new tag $VER."
# Ensure we're able to tag the commit with the version.
if [ "$VER" = "$GITTAG" ]; then
if [[ "$VER" = "$GITTAG" || "v$VER" = "$GITTAG" ]]; then
echo "Commit $COMMIT is already tagged as $GITTAG."
if `git tag $VER $COMMIT`; then
echo "Tagged commit $COMMIT on branch $GITBRANCH with tag $VER."
integrityExit "Failed to tag commit $COMMIT on branch $GITBRANCH with tag $VER."
# Ensure our package version is in sync with the tags.
if `npm version $VER`; then
echo "Updated package.json version to $VER."
integrityExit "Failed to update package.json version to $VER."
integrityExit "Please tag current commit"
# if `git tag $VER $COMMIT`; then
# echo "Tagged commit $COMMIT on branch $GITBRANCH with tag $VER."
# else
# integrityExit "Failed to tag commit $COMMIT on branch $GITBRANCH with tag $VER."
# fi
echo "Proceeding with versioned builds..."
docker build -t .
docker tag$VER
docker push
docker push$VER
docker build -t -f Dockerfile.cron .
docker tag$VER
docker push
docker push$VER
docker build -t$IMAGENAME .
PUSH_STATUS=$(docker push$IMAGENAME:latest --quiet)
if [[ "$PUSH_STATUS" = "$IMAGENAME:latest" ]]; then
echo "Pushed latest build to$IMAGENAME."
integrityExit "Failed to push latest build to$IMAGENAME.
Please resolve the issues preventing the push and try again with the following command:
docker push$IMAGENAME:latest
PUSH_STATUS=$(docker push$IMAGENAME:$VER --quiet)
if [[ "$PUSH_STATUS" = "$IMAGENAME:$VER" ]]; then
echo "Pushed tagged build to$IMAGENAME:$VER."
integrityExit "Failed to push tagged build to$IMAGENAME:$VER.
Please resolve the issues preventing the push and try again with the following command:
docker push$IMAGENAME:$VER
docker build -t$IMAGENAME-cron -f Dockerfile.cron .
docker tag$IMAGENAME-cron$IMAGENAME-cron:$VER
PUSH_STATUS=$(docker push$IMAGENAME-cron:latest --quiet)
if [[ "$PUSH_STATUS" = "$IMAGENAME-cron:latest" ]]; then
echo "Pushed latest build to$IMAGENAME-cron."
integrityExit "Failed to push latest build to$IMAGENAME-cron.
Please resolve the issues preventing the push and try again with the following command:
docker push$IMAGENAME-cron:latest
PUSH_STATUS=$(docker push$IMAGENAME-cron:$VER --quiet)
if [[ "$PUSH_STATUS" = "$IMAGENAME-cron:$VER" ]]; then
echo "Pushed tagged build to$IMAGENAME-cron:$VER."
integrityExit "Failed to push tagged build to$IMAGENAME-cron:$VER.
Please resolve the issues preventing the push and try again with the following command:
docker push$IMAGENAME-cron:$VER
git push origin --tags
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions src/lib/models/query.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -167,10 +167,11 @@ const QuerySchema = new Schema<IQuery, QueryModel, IQueryMethods>({
lasthit: { type: Date },
results: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Result' }]
QuerySchema.index({ query: 1 })
const existingIndexes = QuerySchema.indexes()
existingIndexes.includes([{ query: 1 }, {}]) ? console.log('QuerySchema index { query: 1 } already exists.') : QuerySchema.index({ query: 1 })
// we always push later dates on the end of hits, so hits[0] is the minimum and the
// only index we need - luckily mongo supports this with dot notation
QuerySchema.index({ 'hits.0': 1 })
existingIndexes.includes([{ 'hits.0': 1 }, {}]) ? console.log('QuerySchema index { hits.0: 1 } already exists.') : QuerySchema.index({ 'hits.0': 1 })

QuerySchema.methods.basic = function () {
return {
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9 changes: 5 additions & 4 deletions src/lib/models/result.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import axios from 'axios'
import { DateTime } from 'luxon'
import mongoose from 'mongoose'
const { Schema, models, model, Error, deleteModel } = mongoose
import type { Model, Document, ObjectId } from 'mongoose'
import type { Model, Document, ObjectId, IndexDefinition } from 'mongoose'
import { isBlank, isNotNull, sortby, eachConcurrent } from 'txstate-utils'
import { getUrlEquivalencies, isValidHttpUrl, normalizeUrl, querysplit, getMongoStages, getFields } from '../util/helpers.js'
import type { Paging, AdvancedSearchResult, AggregateResult, SearchMappings, MappingType, SortParam } from '../util/helpers.js'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -284,9 +284,10 @@ const ResultSchema = new Schema<IResult, ResultModel, IResultMethods>({
// ResultSchema.plugin(paginate)

ResultSchema.index({ 'entries.keywords': 1 })
ResultSchema.index({ 'currency.tested': 1 })
ResultSchema.index({ url: 1 })
const existingIndexes = ResultSchema.indexes()
existingIndexes.includes([{ 'entries.keywords': 1 }, {}]) ? console.log('ResultSchema index { \'entries.keywords\': 1 } already exists.') : ResultSchema.index({ 'entries.keywords': 1 })
existingIndexes.includes([{ 'currency.tested': 1 }, {}]) ? console.log('ResultSchema index { \'currency.tested\': 1 } already exists.') : ResultSchema.index({ 'currency.tested': 1 })
existingIndexes.includes([{ url: 1 }, {}]) ? console.log('ResultSchema index { url: 1 } already exists.') : ResultSchema.index({ url: 1 })

ResultSchema.methods.basic = function () {
return {
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9 changes: 6 additions & 3 deletions src/routes/(api)/search/+server.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,13 +4,16 @@ import { Query } from '$lib/models/query.js'

/** @type {import('./$types').RequestHandler} */
export async function GET ({ url, setHeaders }) {
const query = url.searchParams.get('q') ?? undefined
if (!query?.length || query.length < 3 || query.length > 1024) return json([])
const query = (url.searchParams.get('q') as string) ?? undefined
if (!query?.length || query.length > 1024) return json([])
const asyoutype = !!url.searchParams.get('asyoutype')
// We don't want to flood the api with `asyoutype` requests, so limit by lower length if such.
if (asyoutype && query.length < 3) return json([])
/* I think we should make `asyoutype` a number parameter that indicates which word in query
is the selection word in the input being typed to. We could then update `findByQuery`'s
call stack to match with the corresponding word in query being the one that gets the `startsWith()`
evaluation on matching. */
evaluation on matching. We could default to current behavior if there are no words to correspond
with the number or a non-numeric value is passed. */
const results = await Result.findByQuery(query)
const ret = => result.basic())
if (!asyoutype) Query.record(query, results)
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