Final Research Project - Python Team
Trevor Seibert - Project Leader * *
Crisitan Mayen - Researcher * *
Philip Ervin - Researcher * *
Christopher Webster - Database Specialist * *
pip install ~
- numpy
- pandas
- pandas-profiling
- matplotlib
- scipy
- PyQt5
- Tk (Tkinter)
- scikit-learn
- seaborn
- statsmodels
The_Code folder
- Inside the code folder, you will find all python files for this project. The file only calls the code folder and python files.
Log folder
- This is where the output which are recoreded via txt format.
Profiling folder
This is where you will find the summary statisics of the varibles.
On MAC/Linux, the file structure has to be / not \ :: Windows uses \ for the directories.
cd to where you want your project to be
- git init
- git add .
- git status (What branch you are on)
- git commit -m "First Commit"
- git push -u origin master Make sure you git pull before you start coding on other devives.
- git status 'shows you what branch you are on'
- git branch (branch-name) (and or specific revision)
- git checkout (branch-name) - switches to diffrent branch
- git switch (branch-name - prefered way to switch to diffrent branch)
- git push -u origin (branch-name)
git master (go into the master branch)
git merge --squash feature or git merge (branch Name) (summarize all commits into one commit as latest commit into master branch)
git commit -m "Branch merged into Master"
git push
git pull origin