: The artist ID
: Spotify Client IDCLIENT_SECRET
: Spotify Client Secret
yarn test
zip -r .
If you wish to use Docker to run the adapter, you can build the image by running the following command:
docker build . -t spotify-adapter
Then run it with:
docker run -p 8080:8080 -it spotify-adapter:latest
- In Lambda Functions, create function
- On the Create function page:
- Give the function a name
- Use Node.js 12.x for the runtime
- Choose an existing role or create a new one
- Click Create Function
- Under Function code, select "Upload a .zip file" from the Code entry type drop-down
- Click Upload and select the
file - Handler should remain index.handler
- Add the environment variable (repeat for all environment variables):
- Key: API_KEY
- Value: Your_API_key
- Save
An API Gateway is necessary for the function to be called by external services. You will need to disable the Lambda proxy integration for this to work as expected.
- Click Add Trigger
- Select API Gateway in Trigger configuration
- Under API, click Create an API
- Choose REST API
- Select the security for the API
- Click Add
- Click the API Gateway trigger
- Click the name of the trigger (this is a link, a new window opens)
- Click Integration Request
- Uncheck Use Lamba Proxy integration
- Click OK on the two dialogs
- Return to your function
- Remove the API Gateway and Save
- Click Add Trigger and use the same API Gateway
- Select the deployment stage and security
- Click Add
- In Functions, create a new function, choose to ZIP upload
- Click Browse and select the
file - Select a Storage Bucket to keep the zip in
- Function to execute: gcpservice
- Click More, Add variable (repeat for all environment variables)
- VALUE: Your_API_key