Contains a common build file for publishing Concordion extensions.
The common build file contains build logic to do a local Maven install, or publish to Maven Central as a snapshot or release.
It also allows you to publish output to Github Pages.
It adds the following tasks (amongst others) to your build:
- builds the release and installs to your local Maven repositorypublishDocs
- builds the documentation and publishes to Github PagespublishRelease
- builds the release and publishes to the Sonatype OSS releases repositorypublishSnapshot
- builds the release and publishes to the Sonatype OSS snapshots repository
Example configuration is:
apply from: ''
description = 'An extension to Concordion to use Excel spreadsheets rather than HTML as specifications'
ext {
poiVersion = '3.10-FINAL'
developers = {
developer {
id 'robmoffat'
name 'Rob Moffat'
roles { role 'Extension Contributor' }
url ''
inceptionYear = '2014'
dependencies {
compile "org.apache.poi:poi:$poiVersion"
compile "org.apache.poi:poi-ooxml:$poiVersion"
compile "org.apache.poi:poi-ooxml-schemas:$poiVersion"
compile 'org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:3.3.2'
githubPages {
repoUri = '[email protected]:concordion/concordion-excel-extension.git'
pages {
from 'docs'
from ('build/reports/spec/spec/concordion/ext/excel') {
into 'spec'
from ('build/docs/javadoc/') {
into 'api'
The dependencies
block is only required if you want to add dependencies over and above the concordion dependency.
The githubPages
block defines the repository to publish to, and has a pages CopySpec that defines the pages to be copied.
Prior to publishing to Github Pages for the first time, you will need to create a gh-pages branch, and add content and push.
Only authorised administrators can publish to Sonatype OSS. Once authorised follow the instructions on how to make a release.