Cards Apps and views have routes which mirror the folder structure.
If you navigate to /Cards/HelloWorld you see the HelloWorldApp Default.cshtml card.
If you navigate to /Cards/HelloWorld/About you will see the HelloWorldApp About.cshtml card.
Effectively every card defaults to the following route pattern
Routes serve several purposes
- They provide a HTML place that a user can go to interact with the card, even if the link is shared with them via a place that doesn't support cards (like SMS)
- The link is used for card unfurling. Crazor will automatically turn the HTML URL for a card into the card if it is shared in a card aware app like Teams.
- The link supports deep-linking, meaning any view that you get to you can save a url and share it.
If you want to support deep linking you sometimes need to specify more information beyond the normal route pattern.
To do that with Crazor you do the following 3 things:
- You add a [CardRoute] attribute to tell us how to match a link to your view
- You override the OnLoadRoute() method to process the deep link and load the state for the card.
Here is an example for the Edit page for Addresses, which is editing the model with address with an id this.Model.Id. We add the following to our Edit.cshtml to support the deeper link structure
@attribute [CardRoute("{Model.Id}")]
@functions {
public void OnLoadRoute()
=> this.Model = this.App.LoadAddress(Model.Id);
- The GetRoute() method says that the deep link for Edit.cshtml should be /cards/Addresses/Edit/{this.Model.Id}
- The [Route("{addressId}")] attribute tells us how to get the {addressId} out of the url
- The OnLoadRoute(string addressId) is called with the addressId and loads the appropriate model into the card.
You can initialize your card by building in support for mapping query parameters to properties via the [FromQuery] or the [SupplyParameterFromQuery] attribute.
For example, in this template we have 2 properties that have [FromQuery]
public string Name {get;set;}
public string City {get;set;}
public string City2 {get;set;}
If you construct a url with Name or City query parameters they will be bound to the these properties.
Only properties with [FromQuery] attribute will be bound.
Query Parameters are also available by naming convention on verb handlers
public void OnLoadRoute(string name, string zip, string city)
NOTE: [FromQuery] is from MVC
[SupplyParameterFromQuery] is from Blazor
- Architecture - Describes overall structure of Crazor application
- Card Apps - How to create a CardApp class to define state and operations against state.
- Card Views - General information about Card Views
- Memory - Information on persistence and memory
- Validation - Model validation
- Routing - Information on customizing urls to support deep linking into cards
- Authentication - Authentication
- Unit tests - Writing unit tests for your cards.