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PHP SmarterU LMS API Client

An API Client for the SmarterU LMS API. This project is not affiliated with Neovation.


  • PHP 8.0 or greater
  • PHP SimpleXML extension enabled

Third-Party Dependencies


Use composer to add the library to your project.

composer require cbssoftware/smarteru-client


The class CBS\SmarterU\Client is used to interact with the SmarterU API. Its constructor requires two parameters: your SmarterU Account API Key and your SmarterU User API Key. Instructions to find these keys can be found here.

use CBS\SmarterU\Client;

$accountAPIkey = 'insert your account API key here';
$userAPIkey = 'insert your user API key here';

$client = new Client($accountAPIkey, $userAPIkey);

The following is a list of public methods in Client.php that interact with the SmarterU API:

  1. createUser
  2. readUserById
  3. readUserByEmail
  4. readUserByEmployeeId
  5. listUsers
  6. updateUser
  7. readGroupsForUserById
  8. readGroupsForUserByEmail
  9. readGroupsForUserByEmployeeId
  10. createGroup
  11. readGroupById
  12. readGroupByName
  13. listGroups
  14. updateGroup
  15. addUsersToGroup
  16. removeUsersFromGroup
  17. grantPermissions
  18. revokePermissions
  19. getLearnerReport
  20. requestExternalAuthorizationByEmail
  21. requestExternalAuthorizationByEmployeeId

For usage details on each method, please see docs/

Data Types

A CustomField is a way to assign extra values to a User or a LearnerReport in addition to the values that are built-in to the data type. All attributes are required when assigning a CustomField to a User or a LearnerReport. More information can be found in docs/DataTypes/

ExternalAuthorization is a container for the information returned by SmarterU when a user is authenticated via single sign-on from an external website. More information can be found in docs/DataTypes/

A Group is a collection of Users within SmarterU that can all be assigned to the same training courses. When creating a Group, the "groupId", "userHelpOverrideDefault", "userHelpEnabled", "userHelpEmail", "userHelpText", "tags", "userLimitEnabled", "userLimitAmount", "subscriptionVariants", and "dashboardSetId" attributes are optional. The "users", "permissions", "oldName", and "oldGroupId" attributes will not be used. All other attributes are required.If you would like to add Users to your new Group, you may do so using the addUsersToGroup method in Client. If you would like these users to have elevated permissions within the Group, you may grant these permissions using the grantPermissions method in Client. When updating a Group without changing its name or ID, either the "name" or "groupId" attribute must be set in order to identify the Group to be updated, and the only other attributes that must be set are the ones you wish to update. Group membership (i.e. "users" and "permissions") cannot be updated using the "updateGroup" method in Client, and instead rely on their own dedicated methods. When changing the Group's name or ID, you must set the "oldName" or "oldGroupId" attributes to identify the Group to be updated, and the corresponding "name" or "groupId" attributes to identify the new value. Making the request to SmarterU will clear out any values from the "oldName" and "oldGroupId" fields in order to prevent mistakenly using outdated information when using the same Group instance for future requests to the API. More information can be found in docs/DataTypes/

A LearnerReport, also known as an Enrollment Report, enables training managers to view the progress of Users who have been assigned to the course, and to see the Users' results once the course has been completed. LearnerReports are read from the API using the getLearnerReport method in Client, which takes an instance of CBS\SmarterU\Queries\GetLearnerReportQuery as a parameter. All attributes that are marked as nullable are optional, and all attributes that are not marked as nullable are required. More information can be found in docs/DataTypes/

A LearningModule, also known as a Course, is a training assignment that can be given to a Group. When adding or removing a LearningModule from a Group via the updateGroup method, all attributes are required. When adding a LearningModule to a Group via the createGroup method, "action" is not used, while all other attributes are required. More information can be found in docs/DataTypes/

A SubscriptionVariant is a record of a subscription that is assigned to a Group. When adding or removing a SubscriptionVariant from a Group via the updateGroup method, all attributes are required. When adding a SubscriptionVariant to a Group via the createGroup method, "action" is not used, while all other attributes are required. More information can be found in docs/DataTypes/

A Tag is a way to assign extra values to a Group in addition to the values that come built-in to the data type. The "tagValues" attribute is always required, but the "tagName" and "tagId" attributes are mutually exclusive. Exactly one out of those two is required. Attempting to set both of these attributes in the same instance of Tag will result in only the most recently updated one being saved, while the less recently updated one will be automatically set to null. More information can be found in docs/DataTypes/

A User is a record of a user account within SmarterU. Two values will be set by default: "status" will be active and "receiveNotifications" will be true. If you would like to set a User to inactive or to not receive notifications, you must explicitly specify that. When creating a User, at least one of either the "email" field or the "employeeId" field must be specified. You may set both if you wish to. The "givenName", "surname", "password", "learnerNotifications", "supervisorNotifications", "sendEmailTo", "authenticationType", and "homeGroup" fields are required. If the "sendEmailTo" attribute is set to "Alternate", then the User's "alternateEmail" field must also be set. The "Groups" field is not used. By default, the User will be a regular user with no administrative permissions in their home Group and will not be a member of any other Groups. If you would like to assign the User to any additional Groups, you may do so using the addUsersToGroup method in Client. If you would like the User to have any administrative permissions in any of their Groups, you may grant those permissions using the grantPermissions method in Client. All other values are optional. When updating a User, you must set either the "email" or "employeeId" field to identify the User being updated. The only required values other than those fields are the values you wish to update. The updateUser method cannot be used to change a User's Group memberships, or to change the User's password. The User's home Group can only be changed if the User is a member of multiple Groups. If you would like to update the User's email address or employee ID, you may do so by setting the "oldEmail" or "oldEmployeeId" fields to the current value, then setting the "email" or "employeeId" fields to the new value. The "oldEmail" and "oldEmployeeId" fields will be set to null when making the request to SmarterU in order to prevent mistakenly passing outdated information to SmarterU when making a future request on the same User object. More information can be found in docs/DataTypes/


Three Client methods, listUsers, listGroups, and getLearnerReport, take an instance of their respective CBS\SmarterU\Queries\ objects as a parameter. GetUserQuery and GetGroupQuery are only used internally by a private helper method in Client, while the other Query classes must be handled by the user. When constructing a query to pass into the Client, any value that is not marked as nullable and does not have a default value is required, while any value that is marked as nullable or has a default value is optional. The SmarterU API will return an array of every User, Group, or LearnerReport that matches the criteria provided by the query.


The classes contained in the CBS\SmarterU\Queries\Tags directory are query segments that are used when filling in certain attributes in the query classes. The DateRangeTag uses two DateTimeInterface objects to filter the results of your query by a specific time period, for example returning only the LearnerReports for courses that were completed between the provided dates. The MatchTag is used to filter the results of a ListGroups request by the Group's name, or to filter the results of a ListUsers request by the User's email address, employee ID, or name. The following example would only return Users whose name is John Smith:

use CBS\SmarterU\Queries\ListUsersQuery;
use CBS\SmarterU\Queries\Tags\MatchTag;

$matchTag = (new MatchTag())
    ->setValue('John Smith');

$query = (new ListUsersQuery())

And this example would return any User who has an email address:

use CBS\SmarterU\Queries\ListUsersQuery;
use CBS\SmarterU\Queries\Tags\MatchTag;

$matchTag = (new MatchTag())

$query = (new ListUsersQuery())


All methods in the Client class that interact with the SmarterU API will return either the appropriate DataType (i.e. the readUserByEmailAddress method will return an instance of User), an array of the appropriate DataType if the SmarterU API returns multiple values, or null if there are no results matching the query being passed into the API (i.e. calling readUserByEmailAddress on an email address that does not match any Users in your SmarterU account). A more detailed description of the return values can be found in docs/

Some methods in Client take an array of a specific type, such as an array of Users, as a parameter. If one of these methods is provided with input that is not one of the acceptable values (i.e. an array of Users that contains anything that is not an instance of User), a CBS\SmarterU\Exceptions\InvalidArgumentException will be thrown. The exception message will name the parameter that triggered it.

SmarterU requires that certain attributes be set in the DataTypes being passed in as parameters. Since the exact attributes differ from method to method using the same DataType, it would be impractical to require these attributes in the constructor like the API keys in the Client class. Instead, if one of the required attributes is left unset when the DataType is passed into the method in Client, a CBS\SmarterU\Exceptions\MissingValueException will be thrown. The exception message will name the attribute that triggered it.

In the event that some kind of HTTP error prevents your request from executing, a GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException will be thrown.

If the SmarterU API reports a failure, a CBS\SmarterU\Exceptions\SmarterUException will be thrown, and any error(s) returned by the SmarterU API will be listed in the exception message. A list of all possible SmarterU errors can be found here.


This library uses the psr/log library to log information about failed requests to a logger of your choosing. If an instance of Psr\Log\LoggerInterface is inject using Client::setLogger() then any failed requests will be logged and a sanitized version of the request and response will be sent to the logger.


If you would like to make a contribution to this library, you may do so using the following process:

  1. Fork the GitHub repository.
  2. Clone the project to your own machine.
  3. Create a new branch based on 'main' with a name that summarizes what you're changing.
  4. Commit your changes to your branch. Make sure to update any unit tests that are affected by your changes, and to provide tests for any new classes and/or methods introduced.
  5. Push your branch back up to the fork.
  6. Submit a Pull Request targeting the 'main' branch so that we can review your changes.


This library comes with a set of unit tests for use with PHPunit. These test can be run with the vendor/bin/phpunit command provided you have installed the developer dependencies with composer.

composer install


MIT License

Copyright (c) 2022 Core Business Solutions

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.




SmarterU API Client for PHP 7.4+







No releases published




  • PHP 100.0%