- Java/Clojure is updated.
- NodeJS/Clojurescript not yet(don't use).
- Example apps not updated also(don't use).
*project renamed from cmql to squery
Java or Clojure programmers sync driver
[org.squery/squery-mongo-core "0.2.0-SNAPSHOT"]
[org.squery/squery-mongoj "0.2.0-SNAPSHOT"]
Java or Clojure programmers reactive driver
[org.squery/squery-mongo-core "0.2.0-SNAPSHOT"]
[org.squery/squery-mongoj-reactive "0.2.0-SNAPSHOT"]
JS or Clojurescript programmers use squery-mongojs
[org.squery/squery-mongo-core "0.2.0-SNAPSHOT"]
[org.squery/squery-mongojs "0.2.0-SNAPSHOT"]
- MongoDB query language using up to 3x less code
- simple DSL inside a general programming language
- as tool to generate MQL
- call SQuery code directly from Java/NodeJS/Clojure/Clojurescript
(q :people.workers
(< :salary 1000)
(> :years 1)
{:children (filter (fn [:child.] (< :child.age. 15)) :all-children)}
(>= :children 2)
{:bonus (reduce (fn [:total. :child.]
(cond (< :child.age. 5) (+ :total. 100)
(< :child.age. 10) (+ :total. 50)
:else (+ :total. 20)))
[:!id :name {:new-salary (+ :salary (if- (> :bonus 200) 200 :bonus))}]
(sort :!new-salary))
{"$and": [{"$lt": ["$salary", 1000]}, {"$gt": ["$years", 1]}]}}},
{"input": "$all-children",
"cond": {"$lt": ["$$child.age", 15]},
"as": "child"}}}},
{"$match": {"$expr": {"$gte": ["$children", 2]}}},
{"input": "$children",
"initialValue": 0,
{"vars": {"total": "$$value", "child": "$$this"},
[{"case": {"$lt": ["$$child.age", 5]},
"then": {"$add": ["$$total", 100]}},
{"case": {"$lt": ["$$child.age", 10]},
"then": {"$add": ["$$total", 50]}}],
"default": {"$add": ["$$total", 20]}}}}}}}}},
{"id": 0,
"name": 1,
["$salary", {"$cond": [{"$gt": ["$bonus", 200]}, 200, "$bonus"]}]}}},
{"$sort": {"new-salary": -1}}])
- org.squery/squery-mongo-core
- org.squery/squery-mongoj
- org.squery/squery-mongoj-reactive
- org.squery/squery-mongojs
Copyright © 2020-2023 Takis Karyadis.
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License version 1.0.