I am currently specializing in frontend developement with ReactJS, Tailwind, Sass, Bootstrap and actively learning and improving my skills as a full-stack developer I'm open to work and employment opportunities.
I love to read books, train my mind as a black-belt martial artist in Taekwondo.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning NextJS and Typescript, I believe that the journey is even more exciting than the destination so I would never give up on continuing!
- 👯 I’m currently open for work and employment opportunities (remote and relocation)
- 📫 I am just one mail away - [[email protected]]
- 🥳 Fun fact: I love to look at the world with the eyes of an explorer, to be able to live as today is the last day.
- 📖 I am currently reading A Common-Sense Guide to Data Structure and Algorithms which is in Pragmatic Programmers.
- 🔧 Tools - VSCode,Markdown Editors, Spotify.