This is a collection of awesome resources related to the yearly Advent of Code challenge.
- The Official AoC Website
- The AoC Subreddit
- Project Templates
- Tools and Utilities
- Other Advent Calendars
- 2018
Templates, cookiecutters and skeletons for quickly setting up projects in your favourite language.
- dave-burke/advent-of-code-java-starter (Java)
- gobanos/cargo-aoc (Rust)
- kindermoumoute/adventofcode (Go)
- staylorwr/elixir_aoc (Elixir)
- hughjdavey/aoc-kotlin-starter (Kotlin)
- Alfie -- Online JS editor that helps users solve AoC problems.
- Firefox extension -- Browser extension for private leaderboard visualization
- Chrome extension -- Browser extension for private leaderboard visualization
24 days of cool stuff regarding .
WARNING: All of these likely contain spoilers.
Solutions to AoC in AWK.
Solutions to AoC in Bash.
Solutions to AoC in C.
Solutions to AoC in C#.
- encse/adventofcode
- myquay/AOC2018
- schoradt/adventofcode2018
- tomwallace/AdventOfCode2018
- eduherminio/advent-of-code-2018
- bersalazar/AoC2018
Solutions to AoC in C++.
- 132ikl/advent-of-code-2018
- Chrinkus/advent-of-code-2018
- LukeMoll/adventofcode2018
- MarkRDavison/AdventOfCode2018
- TheRealMolen/adventofcode2018
- metinsuloglu/AdventofCode18
- paulfedorow/adventofcode
- voivoid/advent-of-code
Solutions to AoC in Clojure.
Solutions to AoC in Dart.
Solutions to AoC in Elixir.
- axsuul/advent-of-code
- codybartfast/aoc18
- kw7oe/advent-of-code-2018
- scmx/advent-of-code-2018-elixir
- seanhandley/adventofcode2018
Solutions to AoC in Elm and Literate Elm.
Solutions to AoC in F#.
- CameronAavik/AdventOfCode
- andreasjhkarlsson/aoc-2018
- dmngrsk/advent-of-code-2018
- ryepup/advent-of-code
Solutions to AoC in Go.
- apg258/Advent-Of-Code
- atssteve/advent_of_code_2018
- dandua98/AdventOfCode2018
- feffes/adventofcode2018
- feiss/aoc2018
- fesh0r/adventofcode
- fvm/super-duper-barnacle-AoC-2018
- glidergeek/adventofcode18
- kindermoumoute/adventofcode
- mauricioabreu/AdventOfCode2018
- tpaschalis/Golang-practice
- wilbertom/advent-of-code-2018
- alex-wauters/advent-code-2018
- victorhom/advent_of_code_2018
- metalim/metalim.adventofcode.2018.go
Solutions to AoC in Groovy.
Solutions to AoC in Haskell.
- auburus/advent-of-code
- glguy/advent2018
- mstksg/advent-of-code-2018
- nerdopoly/aoc-2018
- tfausak/advent-of-code
Solutions to AoC in Java.
- DasLampe/adventofcode-2018
- ars216/Advent-of-Code-2018
- jeffrosenberg/advent-of-code-2018
- joethei/Advent-of-Code-2018
Solutions to AoC in JavaScript.
- Allypost/advent-of-code-2018
- Covicake/AdventOfCode
- SeanECogan/advent-of-code-2018
- TolleyB-J/AdventOfCode2018
- adriennetacke/advent-of-code-2018
- anubhavsrivastava/advent-of-code-js-2018
- arnaskro/advent-of-code-2018
- chinesedfan/adventofcode
- dxnter/advent-of-code-2018
- luna1nd1go/aoc-2018
- mariotacke/advent-of-code-2018
- pizzafox/aoc-2018
- roebuk/advent-of-code
- rovaniemi/advent-of-code-2018
- sguest/advent-of-code
- spalberg/AdventOfCode
- tommmyy/advent-of-code
- eelof/advent-of-code-2018
- bureson/advent-of-code-2018
Solutions to AoC in Kotlin.
- AsmPrgmC3/AoC2018
- Yolgie/AdventOfCode2018
- edgars-supe/advent-of-code
- fdlk/advent-2018
- hughjdavey/aoc-2018
- jorispz/aoc-2018
- loehnertz/advent-of-code-2018
- tginsberg/advent-2018-kotlin
- wakingrufus/advent-of-code-2018
Solutions to AoC in Nim.
Solutions to AoC in OCaml.
Solutions to AoC in PHP.
- aran112000/Advent-of-Code-2018
- cbzink/AdventOfCode2018
- deanhouseholder/advent-of-code-2018
- zmontgo/advent_of_code
- spytheman/aoc2018
- vuryss/aoc-2018-php
Solutions to AoC in Perl.
Solutions to AoC in multiple languages.
Solutions to AoC in Pony.
Solutions to AoC in PowerShell.
Solutions to AoC in Python.
- Kurocon/AdventOfCode2018
- LinusCDE/AdventOfCode2018
- NickUK/advent-of-code-2018
- S0Ulle33/Advent-of-Code-2018
- ahriley/advent-of-code-2018
- badouralix/advent-of-code-2018
- bengosney/Advent-Of-Code-2018
- bookwyrm12/adventofcode2018
- danong/advent-of-code-2018
- davidpneal/python
- dstine/aoc
- fox091/AdventOfCode
- iBelieve/adventofcode
- j0057/aoc2018
- oskar404/aoc
- racinmat/advent_of_code_2018
- rhbvkleef/aoc-2018
- rossengeorgiev/adventofcode-2018
- stacybrock/advent-of-code
- stoffel2107/AdventOfCode2018
- sw561/AdventOfCode2018
- tobiasvl/adventofcode
- tterb/advent-of-code
- webbiscuit/adventofcode2018
- xaranke/advent_of_code_2k18
- RaczeQ/AdventOfCode2018
- fsschmitt/advent-of-code-2018
Solutions to AoC in Racket.
Solutions to AoC in ReasonML.
Solutions to AoC in Red.
Solutions to AoC in Ruby.
- chemturion/advent-of-code-2018
- dnamsons/Advent-of-Code-2018
- elvinaspredkelis/advent_of_code_2018
- nipinium/aoc18
- ste001/advent-of-code-2018
- taylorthurlow/advent-of-code-2018
Solutions to AoC in Rust.
- (GitLab) BafDyce/adventofcode (
branch; will be merged intomaster
after the event) - FichteFoll/advent-of-code
- Poooel/advent-of-code-2018
- callum-oakley/advent-of-code-2018
- foo-jin/advent-of-code
- iicurtis/Rust-Advent-of-Code-2018
- k0nserv/advent-of-rust-2018
- lazear/adventofcode2018
- maxdeviant/advent-of-code
- nwn/Advent-of-Code-2018
- rceuls/Aoc2018
- ryanhofer/adventofcode2018
- sebnow/adventofcode
- w4tson/advent-of-code-2018
- StreakyCobra/advent-of-code-2018
- illbexyz/advent-of-code-2018
Solutions to AoC in Scala.
- FlorianCassayre/AdventOfCode-2018
- ipsq/adventofcode
- matelaszlo/advent-of-code-scala
- nbardiuk/adventofcode
Solutions to AoC in Swift.
- HarshilShah/AdventOfCode
- JeffreyCA/AdventOfCode18
- Levivig/AdventOfCode2018
- davedelong/AOC
- Dean151/Advent-of-code-2018
Solutions to AoC in Zig.
Folks who are live streaming their process.