AspNet 5 WebAPI for linux tests connected on SQL Server Database
This project runs on Asp.Net 5 with Entity Framework 7 and is a test for linux VMs. It runs on docker and uses a SQL Server database for CRUD operations on a specific table named GspConexaoGesplan.
Step by step instructions:
1 - Create a SQL Database and run the following script:
CREATE TABLE GspConexaoGesplan ( idConexaoGesplan int identity(1,1) primary key, dsConexaoGesplan varchar(50) not null, dsServidor varchar(100) not null, dsDatabase varchar(100) null, dsUsuario varchar(50) not null, dsSenha varchar(100) not null, stTipoBanco int not null );
2 - Create a linux VM with docker.
3- After installing docker, clone the repository: git clone WebAPIAspNet5 cd aspnet-service/src/AspNetService
4- Create a Dockerfile with the following content: (If you need explanation on the file, visit the link on item 2)
FROM microsoft/aspnet:1.0.0-beta4
COPY . /app
RUN ["dnu", "restore"]
ENTRYPOINT ["dnx", "project.json", "kestrel"]
5- Create your docker image. docker build -t webapiaspnet5 .
6- Run the container. (This command is going to map the port 5010 of docker to the port 80 on the VMM) docker run -t -d -p 80:5010 webapiaspnet5