Working on this new version of MediLOG has allowed me to enjoy using new cloud storage providers such as Firebase by Google and the process needed to create all sorts of Medical Databases.
MediLOG began as an interactive Medical Database, integrated with SQL and Python and is now transitioned to Cloud database storage with Firebase by Google with Python Language. MediLOG is intended for two users: Health Professionals that retrieve and monitor patient medication data, and Home Patients that update their Health Provider with their medication dosage and intake times.
Once running the program, the user is displayed with a Menu. In this menu view, the user can select up to five choices:
Exit Program:
- Enter number "0" to pick.
- Exit Program.
Add a New Patient:
- Enter number "1" to pick.
- Prompts user to enter the following information:
- Name
- Date of birth
- Diagnosis
- Illness/Disability
- Folder creation time and date
Log Medication Intake:
- Enter number "2" to pick.
- Prompts user to enter First and Last Name, Medication Name, Dosage, and date and time taken.
Search Patient Database
- Enter number "3" view different data inputed.
- This will display an inner MENU where the user can display the following information:
The purpose of this program is to aid Health professionals in the administration of their patient records. This program is the first step in integrating a future patient database, where the patient will be able to log medication, dosage, and intake date and time. These future improvements will automatically update into their existing patient folder.
The idea was originally inspired by individuals who need to constantly update their medically complex family member's medication, dosage, and intake date and time from home. They do this by calling their assigned health professional in plain 2022. One of them was able to express to me how during the pandemic, keeping their health provider updated with their family member's medication intake patterns would be much easier if they had an app to send that information to their existing patient records.
MediLOG's current functionality is the first step in aiding, individuals with medically complex family members and professional health providers, to enhance their patient record updating experience.
The cloud database used for this program is Firebase by Google. You can create a Collection containing unique Documents; each with unique Values.
This Collection will contain unique Document IDs that refer to every new patient added to the database.
This Collection will contain unique Document IDs that refer to every new medication intake entry generated by any patient in the database.
This Collection will contain unique Document IDs that refer to every new auto-generated message that will notify the healthcare provider of the new patient added to the database. The information displayed is an easy-to-read summary of the data the patient entered.
Similar to the previous collection, this Collection will contain unique Document IDs that refer to every new medication intake entry. The information displayed is an easy-to-read summary of the medication name, dosage, and patient connected to the notification. The healthcare provider assigned to this patient can now view the raw and organized display of the patient's data.
With the prior description, the visual organization scheme for this program's data is in the Document form, where each Collection has its own set of branches of information:
Image taken from "What is a Cloud Database"
The development tools used for this program are Firebase by Google, Visual Studio Code, and GitHub.
The programming language used for this program was the integration of Python and Firebase commands.
- Firebase
- No SQL Tutorial
- Data Options In the Cloud
- What is a Cloud Database?
- Firebase Console
- Health Database Organization
- Data Elements as a Critical Dimension of Health Care Databases
- Legal Medical Record Standards
- Journal of Biomedical Informatics
- The Computer Based Patient Record
Improvement for this program:
- Activate Notifications for database changes.
- Activate delete and update logged medication information.
Because the app I intend to create based on this program will handle health-related information that will aid health providers monitor their patients medication intake, I need to find I way to safely allow the user to modify their medication logs without deleting the patient itself.
- Make this program a workable web and phone app for the intended users. This will be a long-term goal. But implementation will begin soon.