Collection of freqtrade stuff. I made this list so that I can look for things when I need but please feel free to contribute via pull requests or issues.
Freqtrade is a bot to trade crypto using cctx
DCA Fork This is now merged into the official repository develop branch
Collection of Strategies from jilv220
Another Collection of Strategies from discord
Another Collection of Strategies from flightcom
The following strategies are known to have lookahead bias. They may look good in backtests but may not perform as well in dryruns or live
Collection of Strategies from mablue
Proxy? Proxies are used to avoid api theshold limiations. If you are running a few bots on a single IP, you should consider using a proxy
Hippo's Graphana Chart dryrunning and live running many strategies Discord
Tranz's Freqtrade Strategy Channel