Remixed light and dark Kanagawa color scheme with muted colors. For Neovim.
Ink | Canvas |
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I love the original kanagawa.nvim color scheme, but I found some of the colors a bit too bright and distracting. What I wanted was a more muted theme overall, using less saturated colors inspired by the original theme.
Both a light theme and a dark theme are provided.
I have also ported the color scheme to VSCode, which you can find here: kanagawa-paper.vscode
Install the theme with your preferred package manager, such as lazy.nvim:
lazy = false,
priority = 1000,
opts = {},
Kanagawa Paper comes in a few variants:
for late nightskanagawa-paper-canvas
for sunny dayskanagawa-paper
for automatic theme switching based onvim.o.background
Themes can be changed in a couple of ways:
- Using the background option:
Any change to the value of
will select the corresponding light or dark theme. If this is unset, the theme will default to the dark themeink
. - Loading the color scheme directly with:
colorscheme kanagawa-paper
colorscheme kanagawa-paper-ink
colorscheme kanagawa-paper-canvas
Config options have changed between v1 and v2 of the color scheme.
Set the configuration BEFORE loading the color scheme to ensure the settings are applied, otherwise defaults will be used.
The default configuration can be found here
-- enable undercurls for underlined text
undercurl = true,
-- transparent background
transparent = false,
-- highlight background for the left gutter
gutter = false,
-- background for diagnostic virtual text
diag_background = true,
-- dim inactive windows. Disabled when transparent
dim_inactive = false,
-- set colors for terminal buffers
terminal_colors = true,
-- cache highlights and colors for faster startup.
-- see Cache section for more details.
cache = false,
styles = {
-- style for comments
comment = { italic = true },
-- style for functions
functions = { italic = false },
-- style for keywords
keyword = { italic = false, bold = false },
-- style for statements
statement = { italic = false, bold = false },
-- style for types
type = { italic = false },
-- override default palette and theme colors
colors = {
palette = {},
theme = {
ink = {},
canvas = {},
-- adjust overall color balance for each theme [-1, 1]
color_offset = {
ink = { brightness = 0, saturation = 0 },
canvas = { brightness = 0, saturation = 0 },
-- override highlight groups
overrides = function(colors)
return {}
-- uses lazy.nvim, if installed, to automatically enable needed plugins
auto_plugins = true,
-- enable highlights for all plugins (disabled if using lazy.nvim)
all_plugins = package.loaded.lazy == nil,
-- manually enable/disable individual plugins.
-- check the `groups/plugins` directory for the exact names
plugins = {
-- examples:
-- rainbow_delimiters = true
-- which_key = false
-- enable integrations with other applications
integrations = {
-- automatically set wezterm theme to match the current neovim theme
wezterm = {
enabled = false,
-- neovim will write the theme name to this file
-- wezterm will read from this file to know which theme to use
path = (os.getenv("TEMP") or "/tmp") .. "/nvim-theme",
If you want to switch between canvas
and ink
themes within a Neovim session, you can change vim.o.background
to light
or dark
This can also be mapped to the time of day via an autocommand or dynamically setting vim.o.background
at startup. For example:
local hour ="*t").hour
vim.o.background = (hour >= 7 and hour < 19) and "light" or "dark"
The color scheme comes with a cache option that can be used to speed up startup time.
When you set cache = true
in your config, the theme colors and all of your edits/adjustments will be saved to a cache file. This is loaded at startup so colors don't need to be recomputed every time.
Any changes you make to your config (e.g. overriding colors or highlight groups) should automatically invalidate the cache and build a new one.
In rare cases where this doesn't happen and you notice your changes aren't being applied, you can manually rebuild the cache by running :KanagawaPaperCache
This color scheme comes with matching Lualine themes for both ink
and canvas
This will set the theme at startup:
local kanagawa_paper = require("lualine.themes.kanagawa-paper-ink")
-- local kanagawa_paper = require("lualine.themes.kanagawa-paper-canvas")
options = {
theme = kanagawa_paper,
-- ... your lualine config
For a more advanced use case you can make use of the background color to set the Lualine theme dynamically. This switches Lualine between light and dark themes based on background color:
options = {
theme = function()
-- pcall and fallback theme is to handle the case of theme switching/previewing
local ok, t = pcall(
"lualine.themes." .. (vim.o.background == "light" and "kanagawa-paper-canvas" or "kanagawa-paper-ink")
if ok then
theme = t
theme = require("some other fallback theme")
return theme
-- ... your lualine config
Examples of situations where this might be useful:
- You want to change the theme mid-session
- You want to change background color mid-session (either by manually setting
or with something like dark background toggle in LazyVim) - You use a plugin for live previews of color schemes
If you use WezTerm and/or WezTerm Tabline, you can use the wezterm
integration to automatically switch themes based on the current Neovim theme. This feature requires Wezterm automatic reload config to be turned on.
There are a few things to set up for this to work:
- Enable the integration in your Neovim configuration:
integrations = {
wezterm = {
enabled = true,
path = (os.getenv("TEMP") or "/tmp") .. "/nvim-theme"
- Place the wezterm and wezterm tabline extras in the wezterm color scheme directory. Point wezterms config to that directory:
config.color_scheme_dirs = { "~/.config/wezterm/colors" } -- or wherever you want to store the themes
- Copy theme_switcher.lua to where your wezterm config is. Add
to your wezterm config to load the theme switcher.
Your final wezterm config directories might look something like this:
- Update the
file with the correct paths to your files:
-- default colorscheme after neovim exits
local theme_default = "kanagawa-paper-ink"
-- this should match the path set in the neovim config
-- it's best to use a temporary directory for this
local theme_file = (os.getenv("TEMP") or "/tmp") .. "/nvim-theme"
-- relative path to the directory containing the tabline themes
-- e.g. if I have placed the tabline extra themes in ./colors/wezterm_tabline then this would be "colors.wezterm_tabline"
-- this is treated as a relative lua module that will be required by the theme switcher
local tabline_theme_dir = "colors.wezterm_tabline"
You can see an example of this setup in my dotfiles here.
There are two kinds of colors: PaletteColors
and ThemeColors
are defined directly as RGB Hex strings, and have arbitrary names
that recall their actual color. Conversely, ThemeColors
are named and grouped semantically
on the basis of their actual function.
In short, a palette
defines all the available colors, while a theme
maps the PaletteColors
to specific ThemeColors
and the same palette color may be assigned to multiple theme colors.
You can change both theme or palette colors using config.colors
All the palette color names can be found here,
while their usage by each theme can be found here.
colors = {
palette = {
-- change all usages of these color names
sumiInk0 = "#000000",
fujiWhite = "#FFFFFF",
theme = {
-- change specific usages for a specific theme
ink = {
ui = {
float = {
fg = "#ff0000,
canvas = {
-- ...
You can also conveniently add/modify hlgroups
using the config.overrides
Supported keywords are the same for :h nvim_set_hl
overrides = function(colors)
return {
-- Assign a static color to strings
String = { fg = colors.palette.carpYellow, italic = true },
-- theme colors will update dynamically when you change theme!
SomePluginHl = { fg = colors.theme.syn.type, bold = true },
You can find a more detailed explanation of color customization here.
-- Get the colors for the current theme
local colors = require("kanagawa-paper.colors").setup()
local palette_colors = colors.palette
local theme_colors = colors.theme
- alacritty
- ghostty
- kitty
- terminator
- termux
- tilix
- vscode (official port)
- vscode terminal (guide: Visual Studio Code Theme Color)
- fzf (guide: fzf color schemes)
- wezterm (guide: Defining a Color Scheme in a separate file)
- wezterm tabline (guide: tabline.wez)
- windows terminal (guide: Color schemes in Windows Terminal)
Pull requests are welcome for theme fixes, new features, and new extras.
For the extras, we use a simple template system that can be used to generate styles for the different themes.
How to add a new extra template:
- Create a new template file in lua/kanagawa-paper/extras.
- Add the name and output file extension to the
table in lua/kanagawa-paper/extras/init.lua. - To check that your template compiles properly, run
and check the newly compiled styles in the root extras directory.
Please DO NOT commit the compiled files, as they are already automatically built by the CI.