This package hosts several useful functions and tools for epidemiological data analysis, as well as connection procedures to the EpiGraphHub data repository. It has functions to allow users to automatically connect and download datasets hosted in free epidemiological apps, such as DHIS2 and KoboToolbox. It also has various functions to help users download data hosted in several databases, such as WHO, World Bank, among others.
Started on 2022-02-23.
You can install the EpiGraphHub package by typing the following code:
More to follow...
- R - Resuable R code (functions etc.)
- analysis - R Markdown analysis files
- docs - Rendered analysis reports
- data - Raw data used for analysis
- output - Output files
Input data files include:
Current analysis files include:
- template.Rmd - Analysis template
Current code files include:
Output files (not in repository but created by analysis files):