The GiveHub JavaScript SDK provides a simple and intuitive way to interact with The Give Hub API. It includes support for campaign management, donations, impact tracking, and real-time notifications.
npm install givehub-sdk
Or using yarn:
yarn add givehub-sdk
import { GiveHub } from 'givehub-sdk';
// Initialize the SDK
const givehub = new GiveHub({
baseUrl: '',
version: 'v1',
apiKey: 'your-api-key'
// Use the SDK
async function init() {
try {
const campaigns = await givehub.campaigns.list();
console.log('Active campaigns:', campaigns);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error:', error);
const result = await givehub.auth.login(email, password);
// SDK automatically handles token management
const userData = {
email: '[email protected]',
password: 'secure123',
firstName: 'John',
lastName: 'Doe'
await givehub.auth.register(userData);
await givehub.auth.verifyEmail(email, verificationCode);
const campaign = await givehub.campaigns.create({
title: 'Clean Water Project',
description: 'Providing clean water access',
targetAmount: 50000,
category: 'water',
milestones: [{
description: 'Phase 1',
amount: 10000
const campaign = await givehub.campaigns.get(campaignId);
const campaigns = await givehub.campaigns.list({
category: 'water',
status: 'active',
page: 1,
limit: 10
await givehub.campaigns.update(campaignId, {
title: 'Updated Title',
description: 'Updated description'
await givehub.campaigns.uploadMedia(campaignId, file);
const donation = await givehub.donations.create({
campaignId: 'campaign-id',
amount: {
value: 100,
currency: 'USD'
type: 'one-time'
const recurring = await givehub.donations.createRecurring({
campaignId: 'campaign-id',
amount: {
value: 50,
currency: 'USD'
frequency: 'monthly'
const donations = await givehub.donations.getDonations({
campaignId: 'campaign-id',
status: 'completed'
await givehub.donations.cancelRecurring(subscriptionId);
const metrics = await givehub.impact.createMetrics(campaignId, {
metrics: [{
name: 'People Helped',
value: 500,
unit: 'individuals'
await givehub.impact.updateMetrics(metricId, {
value: 600,
verificationMethod: 'survey'
const impact = await givehub.impact.getMetrics(campaignId, {
from: '2024-01-01',
to: '2024-12-31'
const update = await givehub.updates.create({
campaignId: 'campaign-id',
title: 'Progress Update',
content: 'Project milestone achieved',
type: 'milestone'
const updates = await givehub.updates.getUpdates({
campaignId: 'campaign-id',
type: 'milestone'
await givehub.updates.uploadMedia(updateId, file);
const notifications = givehub.notifications;
// Connect
// Listen for events
notifications.on('donation_received', (notification) => {
console.log('New donation:', notification);
notifications.on('milestone_completed', (notification) => {
console.log('Milestone completed:', notification);
// Disconnect when done
The SDK throws GiveHubException
for API errors:
try {
await givehub.campaigns.create(campaignData);
} catch (error) {
if (error.status === 401) {
// Handle authentication error
} else if (error.status === 400) {
// Handle validation error
} else {
// Handle other errors
interface Campaign {
id: string;
title: string;
description: string;
targetAmount: number;
currentAmount: number;
category: string;
status: 'draft' | 'active' | 'completed' | 'suspended';
milestones: Milestone[];
created: string;
updated: string;
interface Donation {
id: string;
campaignId: string;
amount: {
value: number;
currency: string;
type: 'one-time' | 'recurring';
status: 'pending' | 'completed' | 'failed';
transaction: {
id: string;
status: string;
created: string;
interface ImpactMetric {
name: string;
value: number;
unit: string;
verificationMethod?: string;
verifiedAt?: string;
verifiedBy?: string;
baseUrl: string; // API base URL
version: string; // API version
apiKey: string; // Your API key
timeout: number; // Request timeout (ms)
retryAttempts: number; // Number of retry attempts
debug: boolean; // Enable debug logging
Token Management: The SDK automatically handles token refresh. Store tokens securely in your application.
Error Handling: Always wrap SDK calls in try-catch blocks for proper error handling.
Resource Cleanup: Disconnect from notifications when they're no longer needed.
Rate Limiting: The SDK implements automatic rate limiting. Configure retry attempts based on your needs.
File Uploads: Use appropriate file types and sizes for media uploads.
async function manageCampaign() {
try {
// Create campaign
const campaign = await givehub.campaigns.create({
title: 'Water Project',
targetAmount: 50000
// Upload media
await givehub.campaigns.uploadMedia(,
// Track impact
await givehub.impact.createMetrics(, {
metrics: [{
name: 'Wells Built',
value: 1,
unit: 'wells'
// Post update
await givehub.updates.create({
title: 'First Well Complete',
content: 'We've completed the first well!'
} catch (error) {
console.error('Campaign management failed:', error);
async function processDonation(campaignId, amount) {
try {
// Create donation
const donation = await givehub.donations.create({
amount: {
value: amount,
currency: 'USD'
// Track transaction
const transaction = await givehub.donations.getTransaction(
// Show confirmation
if (transaction.status === 'completed') {
showSuccess('Donation successful!');
} catch (error) {
console.error('Donation failed:', error);
Enable debug mode to see detailed logs:
const givehub = new GiveHub({
debug: true,
// other config...
- Documentation:
- GitHub Issues:
- Email: [email protected]