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Tooling Updates 2021

Flynn Duniho edited this page May 30, 2024 · 1 revision

I've started to look into what it would take to keep the MEME tool running. This is a WIP draft.

Current Issues

  • It's using a very old version of Electron (v3, current version is v12 at the time of this writing).
  • Also, there have been 2 macOS version bumps since the code signing was last working; I'm told that the most recent versions of electron-osx-codesign may work better.

Review in 2021

april 29, 2021

Using MBP15R (late 2013) with Big Sur 11.3, zsh, with current development tool stack of nvm and xcode commandline tools

  1. nvm use followed by npm ci followed by npm run dev works
  2. npm run electron, which runs the appserver host inside of the Electron binary instead of Node, also works
  3. npm run package seems to work
  4. npm run appsign does not work

At this point, I'm unsure whether it that I've installed the DeveloperID incorrectly, or if it's something else. Stopping here.