Fast-F1 v2.1-rc
Pre-release for v2.1
Use the provided wheel to install.
(pip install fastf1-2.1rc0-py3-none-any.whl
Additionally, the cached data for the 2020 Race of the Belgian GP is available below. You can use this if you want to try loading of car telemetry data as this is no longer available from the API for last year's sessions.
Using the cached data:
- extract the zip file in your working directory
- make sure that the directory structure of the cache relative to your working directory is
- enable the new cache functionality when using fastf1
import fastf1
fastf1.Cache.enable_cache('cache') # 'cache' is the relative path to the cache directory
session = fastf1.get_session(2020, 'Belgian GP', 'R')