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Find locators in 15 different ways

Dearshashank edited this page May 12, 2022 · 4 revisions

Why this Topic ?

  • Technology Independent

  • Selenium WebDriver - 2007

  • Cypress - 2014

  • Playwright - 2020

Common Locators :

  • ID

  • ClassName

  • Name

  • LinkText

  • CSS Selector

  • Xpath

Fundamental way to write CSS Selector

Id :

  • HTMLTag#ID
  • #Id

Class :

  • HtmlTag.className
  • .ClassName
  • .ClassName1.ClassName2.ClassName3.
  • HtmlTag.ClassName1.ClassName2.ClassName3

Way to write Xpath & CSS Selector

  • Xpath - //htmltag[@attr =’string’]

  • CSS - htmltag[attr=’string’]

Custom way to write XPATH & CSS Selector

  • Travel (Parent to Child)

  • Xpath = ParentTag/ChildTag

  • CSS = ParentTag>ChildTag (Immediate Child)

  • CSS = ParentTag ChildTag (Not Immediate Child)

What if their is multiple class in a html tag separated with spaces ?

  • We can Simply achieve this while replacing the space with dot.

What if we are having className or Id consist of Alphanumeric values ?

Realtime example:

Suppose this is the Dom <input class=’Test123’> and the numeric value are changing every time.

  • There are approch listed below :-

CSS Selector which start with Test

Syntax :- htmltag[attr^=’String’]

So we can write like this, input[class^=’Test’]

CSS Selector which end with Text

<input class=’423423Test’>

Syntax :- //htmltag[attr$=’Text’]

So we can write like this, //input[class$=’Test’]

XPath & CSS with two 2 different Attributes.

Xpath -  //htmltag[@attr= ‘val1’ and @attr2 =’val2’]
CSS   -  htmltag[attr1=’val1’][attr2=’val2’]

Contains Method :

CSS Selector is not having contains methods but there is an alternate way <input class=’423423Test123123’>


So we can write like this, input [class=’Test’]*

Travel to a specific Tag

    XPath - Parent Child Travel approach
    CSS Selector  - ParentTag#StaticID>htmlTag:nth-of-type(Integer)